刚刚获悉,Gartner®最新发布的《Market Share: IT Services, Worldwide, 2022》*和《Market Share: All Software Markets, Worldwide, 2022》**报告显示,2022年,腾讯云在IaaS领域增速达到24.4%,位居国内头部云厂商首位;同时,在软件领域上,获得DBMS增长率、CPaaS、CRM市场份额国内第一,并在数据科学和AI平台...
CRM market share continues to grow above and beyond every other software industry. We’ve put together free resources so you can effectively navigate the inundated market. Ourcomparison guidewill enable you to quickly compare different products. And if you need to define your top priorities, so y...
“The worldwide CRM market grew by 12.6% to $69.3 billion in 2020, up by $7.77 billion from 2019. CRM is the software market and the third fastest-growing” according to theGartner, Market Share Analysis: Customer Experience and Relationship Management Software, Worldwide, 2020, by Julian Po...
刚刚获悉,Gartner®最新发布的《Market Share: IT Services, Worldwide, 2022》*和《Market Share: All Software Markets, Worldwide, 2022》**报告显示,2022年,腾讯云在IaaS领域增速达到24.4%,位居国内头部云厂商首位;同时,在软件领域上,获得DBMS增长率、CPaaS、CRM市场份额国内第一,并在数据科学和AI平台领域也成...
Update: Gartner to Rationalize Its CRM Software Forecast and Market Share SegmentationJulian Poulter
According to Gartner’s research director, Julian Poulter, this is only the beginning for CRM. He predicts the market will keep growing throughout 2018 and beyond. “In 2018, CRM software revenue will continue to take the lead of all software markets and be the fastest-growing software market...
Market-leading CRM & AMS Solutions see themselves as enterprise development platforms. We cut through the clutter to identify & implement
SAP Retains Market-Share Lead in CRM: Gartner Report Shows the Wonder of Walldorf Still on Top-But a Lawsuit and Other Troubles LoomThe market for enterprise CRM software remained strong in 2007, according to recent reports from Gartner. And "strong" is really strong in this case: The firm...
腾讯企点再获国际权威机构认可!根据国际权威研究机构Gartner发布的《市场份额分析:2021年全球软件行业市场规模》报告显示,腾讯云旗下腾讯企点持续领跑中国 CRM 市场,市场份额位列本土厂商第一,TOP 5厂商中增速最快。这意味着,腾讯企点在CRMSaaS市场继续保有强有力的竞争优势。
Article 6 min read 35 customer experience statistics to know for 2025 Over 50 percent of customers will switch to a competitor after a single unsatisfactory customer experience. Here's a list of 35 more customer experience statistics to share with your team. ...