我们从前面可以知道CRLF和LF是不同的字符表示,因此缺少通用行结尾为 git 等版本控制软件带来了麻烦,这类软件依赖于非常精确的字符比较来确定文件自上次签入以来是否发生了变化。如果开发人员使用 Windows 并且另一个使用 Mac 或 Linux,他们每个人都保存和提交相同的文件,他们可能会在他们的 git diff 中看到行结束更改...
CRLF, LF 是用来表示文本换行的方式。CR(Carriage Return) 代表回车,对应字符 '\r';LF(Line Feed)...
warning: CRLF will be replaced by LF in <file-name>. The file will have its original line endings in your working directory. 这是预期的行为——CRLF 将成为 Git 索引中的 LF,这意味着当你将这些文件推送到你的存储库时,它们将在你的远程代码库中具有 LF 行结尾。任何后来提取或获取该代码的人都会...
参考以下资源进行深入学习:[StackOverflow](https://stackoverflow.com/a/56858538/5323344),[Aleksandrhovhannisyan's blog](https://www.aleksandrhovhannisyan.com/blog/crlf-vs-lf-normalizing-line-endings-in-git/),以及[EditorConfig官网](https://editorconfig.org/)。了解更多实用技巧和最佳实践,...
Git 在windows系统默认情况下提交时会将crlf 转换成 lf,检出时 lf 转换成 crlf,此时如果运行lintfix会修改成lf,git会提示已修改。 并且如果添加LF文件还会提示警告: warning: LF will be replaced by CRLF in xxx. The file will have its original line endings in your working directory 如想改变默认的转换...
warning: LF will be replaced by CRLF in package.json. The file will have its original line endings in your working directory 1. 原因分析 这是由于编辑器的不同或者Windows 程序员在跨平台项目中的文件行尾加入了回车换行符(比如说你在window 编辑器中使用LF 作为换行符,在提交仓库时就会出现这种错误)。
The file will have its original line endings in your working directory 意思是: 警告:LF将被readme.txt中的CRLF替换。 该文件将在工作目录中以其原始行结尾。 出现此问题是因为不同操作系统的使用的换行符不同: Linux / Unix 采用换行符LF表示下一行 ...
[severity:It’s more difficult to complete my work] [regression] [worked-in:before 17.9.7] Everytime I build my net 4.8 asp.net mvc project now, a large number of my .js files get their line feeds change form CRLF to LF automatically. I am not making this change, and ...
Description As initially noticed in #1906 (comment) and observed further in #3828, GitHub Desktop presents an erroneous warning about line endings for text files with LF line endings in the working directory. This bug is not affected by ...
options -forceend if a file is changed and rewritten then also add a line ending at the last line even if there was none in the input file. -writeall rewrite all files no matter if changed aliases sfk addcr same as sfk lf-to-crlf see also sfk remcr convert crlf to just lf sfk ...