CRJ200-Aircraft-General-Part-I CRJ200 AIRCRAFTGENERAL 1 BombardierdisplayedunitsconformwithICAOStandards •DISTANCES:NauticalMiles(nm)•SPEED:Knots(KIAS)•ALTITUDE:Feet(ft)•TIME:Day,Hour,Minute,Second(d,h,min,s)•TEMPERATURE:DegreeCelsius(C)•ELECTRICCURRENT:Ampere(A)•VOLTAGE:volt(V);...
CRJ200是加拿大庞巴迪宇航集团提供的民用支线喷气飞机,型为50座CRJ-200型客机。该机型以安全、舒适和环保著称,是当前世界航空市场占有率最高的现代化喷气式支线客机。 CRJ200飞机自1992年投入客机服务以来,其销售量已超过所有其它支线飞机,并成为世界上最安全、最舒适和最环保的商用喷气飞机从而确立了自己的领导地位。19...
Features of the aircraft What you’ll find aboard the Bombardier CRJ 200 (CR2). Comfort United Economy® Connectivity Power outlets unavailable USB ports unavailable Performance Cruise speed: 530 mph Propulsion: Two jet engines Wingspan: Up to 76 feet, 3 inches Accessibility Find details ...
支线飞机市场,又称地区性飞机(Regional aircraft),主要是指座位数小于100的飞机。中国商飞最近向三大航交付的ARJ21飞机就是一款支线飞机。支线飞机主要用于承担局部地区短距离、小城市之间、大城市与小城市之间的旅客运输。国内上半年唯一盈利的上市航空公司是运营支线航班的华夏航空。与波音和空客一样,在支线飞机制造...
CRJ - 200 aircraft is the Canadian Bombardier's production, which is primarily used for feeder flights. It is safe, comfortable and environmentally friendly, and he has two turbo jet engine, you can carry 50 passengers. The maximum cruise speed of 0.81 Mach, the maximum in-use height of 41...
The competition to the CRJ100/CRJ200 aircraft is clearly focused on the ERJ145. The ERJ145 has met very notable success, something which the Canadian Government apparently thinks is due in most part to the ProEx program which offered customers a low interest rate, representing a $2 million ...
Up to date detailed seat map of Iberia Regional's (IB) Bombardier CRJ-200 aircraft. This will help you find the best seat on-board
CRJ-200飞机是加拿大庞巴迪公司生产的,主要用于支线飞行。它安全、舒适和环保,他有两台涡喷发动机,可以搭载50名乘客。最大巡航速度为0.81马赫,最大使用高度为41000英尺。问题补充:匿名 2013-05-23 12:21:38 正在翻译,请等待... 匿名 2013-05-23 12:23:18 CRJ - 200 aircraft is the Canadian ...
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CRJ200 AIRCRAFTGENERALPartII ENGINEINDICATION&CREWALERTINGSYSTEM ExtensiveCrewAlerting&Awarenesssystem Whichincludes:VISUALWARNINGSYSTEMS ••••MasterWarning/MasterCautionswitch/lightsEICASwarning&cautionmessagesEICASadvisory&statusmessagesAnnunciatorlights:locatedonindividualpushbuttonsthroughoutcockpit AURALWARNING...