For the well-meaning woke, it seems like this is all opaque. Binaries are bad, and so, the thinking goes, to abolish them we need to get rid of the difference that underpins them – a conflation which depends, as so much of the bad-thinking in this debate, on the inability to under...
Bikshapatra, a Telugu Playlet: Critiquing from a Marxist PerspectiveG V Krishnarao (1914-1979), a Telugu poet, playwright, novelist, short-story writer, literary...Murty, G. R. K.IUP PublicationsIUP Journal of English Studies
To the writer being critiqued I say: It’s your voice. It’s helpful to have others read our work and comment on structure, story line, believability–that kind of thing. We do not profit from readers who want to rewrite our work to their own specifications. Critiques should be honest ...
[44] Ann Yuan, Andy Coenen, Emily Reif, and Daphne Ippolito. 2022. Wordcraft: Story Writing With Large Language Models. In 27th International Conference on Intelligent User Interfaces (Helsinki, Finland) (IUI ’22). Association for Computing Machinery, New York, NY, USA, 841–852. htt...
Read More Comix, by Robb Mirsky, James Spencer, and David Craig, a series featuring hilarious, weird, and sometimes disturbing comics, long and short Antfarm, story and art by Alberto Melendez, working on a concept created by his late brother Tony “War” Melendez. Anthropomorphized ants in...
A significant moment in my research studies into comics art, being awarded my doctorate. BACK STORY.Originally involved in amateur theatre…reviews of my production and writing skills, along with an interview, got me into NIDA…National Institute of Dramatic Art, located in Sydney,in the Productio...