1)FocusoftheStudy:suggestwhattheresearchquestionisorevenwhathypothesisisbeingtested 2)ResearchType:indicatewhattypeofarticleitis.primaryresearch,areviewoftheliterature,orapositionpaper;Title1:ComparingtheEffectsofReadingandWritingonWriting PerformanceTitle2:SecondLanguageLearning&theTeachingofgrammar 3)Succinctness:...
role of researchermisinterpretationsThis is a critique of the paper, Theoretical Foundations of Phenomenography: A Critical Review (Hajar, 2021. Higher Education Research And Development , 40 (7), 14211436. https://doi.org/10.1080/07294360.2020.1833844). This critique highlights misrepresentations of...
Nonetheless, other research / scholarship / data tend to counter / contradict this possible trend / assumption...(see Author, Year; Author, Year). Without entering into detail of the..., it should be stated that Title should be read by...others will see little value in... As experimenta...
- Her criticism of the novel was thought-provoking. (她对这本小说的批评发人深省。)- Don't criticize others without understanding their circumstances. (在不了解别人情况的情况下批评别人是不正确的。)- The professor critiqued the student's research paper, pointing out its strengths and...
3. Critiqueofthe article As summarized above, this is a good article with a well-chosen topic supported by many well-devised studies, which set amodelfor the following studies. The studies are rigorous in that the deeper research on this subject from cross cultural perspective.Besides, in the...
Keywords: critique, qualitative research methods, quantitative research methods, translation studies 1. INTRODUCTION In this article, qualitative research approaches and quantitative research approaches will be discussed from their respective historical background to their advantages and disadvantages with special...
- Her criticism of the novel was thought-provoking. (她对这本小说的批评发人深省。) - Don't criticize others without understanding their circumstances. (在不了解别人情况的情况下批评别人是不正确的。) - The professor critiqued the student's research paper, pointing out its strengths and weakness...
The first research question ex plored whether there was a rela tionship between nurse staffing (nurse-patient ratios) and job satis faction. Survey participants were asked to quantify the number of patients they had been assigned during the last shift they had worked. The data were not nor ma...
In addition to the main message and the logic of the article, you’ll question other aspects, too: The research methods The results The discussion The stylistic elements Yes; even the stylistic elements are important. If the author’s style is incomprehensive, you may use that argument as an...
of the study is appropriate for theresearch questions(p. 50). In Chapter 3, the research ...