This article examines the feminist critique of liberalism as masculinist and its implications for feminism as a political project. It argues that this particular feminist version of liberalism is ahistorical and that it represses the ambiguities and confusions both of liberal texts and of the history...
of feminism. This strange plot indeed reflects some vulgar feminism. This feminism regards some woman’s transient traits as their nature. What the women should really quest only depends on an obscure identitybutwithout any universal criterion. And the criterion should be the virtue or reason. Wit...
The earliest of these approaches is that of Liberal Fem- inism, whose focus is on advancing policy and legal changes that would foster equal economic and social opportunity for women. Reflecting on Liberal Feminism in the context of sexual violence against women, Sascha Canan and Mark Levand25...
Asylum law functions through a dichotomy between an idealized notion of Europe as a site characterized by human rights, and non-European countries as sites
Yet it has been perceived by liberal feminists that, though feminists have highlighted the oppressive aspects of role-playing, the societal values have not changed as fast as women are changing. It is apt to probe whether the contemporary women writers react to the changing female attitudes ...
In the essay“Other Criteria”from 1972, art historian and critic Leo Steinbergreflects the relation between Greenberg’s formalism and liberal feminism by relat-ing both to the self-reflection of the modern subject:Was it Kantian self-definition which led the American woman into what Betty ...
The modern western philosophy is a panoramic reflection and criticism to the traditional western philosophy based on the question of"why is possible for rationalism".The human rationality is the dialectical movement full of internal contradictions as same as the human history.Rationality,as a human's...
Web of Science ®Google Scholar Bayart, Jean-Francois. 1993.The State in Africa: The Politics of the Belly.London: Longman. Google Scholar Bernal, Victoria, and Inderpal Grewal, eds. 2014.Theorizing NGOs: States, Feminisms, and Neoliberalism.Durham, NC: Duke University Press. ...
“patriarchal” and “homophobic” than the average white, even the average non-bourgeois white. In other words, the efforts of contemporary leftist intellectuals to synthesize proletarianism with liberal-bourgeois values like multiculturalism, secularism, feminism and homosexualism is simply unwork...
“The heart of Professor Bloom’s argument is that the university, in a society ruled by public opinion, was to have been an island of intellectual freedom where all views were investigated without restriction. Liberal democracy in its generosity made this possible, but by consenting to play an...