Please repost on the California forum. This one is about San Francisco. Order is wacky, in my opinion. Do you like only one full day at a destination and then drive away? Reply Report inappropriate content mini Fremont, California 167,267 posts 4,280 helpful votes 3. Re: Proposed...
Today’s post is the second inan ongoing seriesin which I am analyzing the excerpts you all have so kindly sent in. My approach to these critiques is a little different from those you normally see on writing blogs. Instead of editing each piece, I’m focusing on one particular lesson tha...
The transformation of Japanese artist identity from “artisans with technical skills” to “full-fledged intellectuals who could express their individual impressions of the world” would develop fully only after the initial period of corporatism of Japan’s early industrial drive, and as a reaction to...
On June 11, 2006, Randen walked into the sanie VA medical center and warned that he "might jump off the roof or put a hose in his car exhaust."^''' Hospital staff did not heed his threats, and just four hours later he was found on the roof of the VA facility where he had to ...
itonthelegofhisjeans.Notthebestchoiceofclothingforaday-longdrivethrough thedesert,butwithouttheluxuryofanextensivewardrobe,he’dhadtomanage.His fewitemsofclothinglayinasportsbagonthefrayedbackseat.Hisarmsfeltsore, sunburnprobably,buthisdarkskinshowednosigns. ...
knowledge, from the science. This is a disaster, because the source of the children's energy is largely in two areas that we see here: their social relations and their aesthetic drive. This is what produces the energy, and we cut this off. In the skeleton example, we saw it come back...
Norm-producing processes are also purpose-driven or at least directional; the direction might be the flow of energy, the preservation of life, a drive to be ‘normal’, or maximising social coherence. This definition enables a comparison to be drawn between the norm producing processes of human...
Wright NA, Gregory R, Witt CC (2014) Metabolic “engines” of flight drive genomic size reduction in birds. Proc R Soc B 281:20132780. Xu X, Clark JM, Mo J et al (2009) A Jurassic ceratosaur from China helps clarify avian digital homologies. Na...
I have access to a 3D printer and several general tools like drills and saws. I have some experience with astronomy and optics, and I live on Long Island (so escaping pollution is a couple hours drive, easily). I'm also interested in astrophotography, and while this isn't the forum for...
If it’s a garage sale, there are card tables and home-made racks and shelves lining a driveway or yard. But look closer. Gently handle the set of china plates and what do you see? Maybe you see the chip or crack on the edge. Or maybe it’s the fact that the set is not ...