Welcome toCritique Circle. Improve your writing skills in one of the largest and longest-running writing communities on the web. Sign up for free Vibrant writing community Thousands of writers working together to improve their writing. It's all about reciprocity ...
Many writers who want critiques that will help them improve their work will find a writing partner or critique group, which is a reciprocal relationship. You won’t only be receiving critiques — you’ll be providing them too! Fortunately, the process of critiquing other writers’ work thoughtfu...
The Tri-Valley Writers’ Way to Critique I am pathetic without a deadline. Writing may be in my blood, but the stories collect like plaque on the arteries unless I have a date circled on the calendar. Years ago I joined a writing circle – a critique group by any other name – but ...
“The words which dominated Western consumer societies were no longer the words of holy books, let alone of secular writers, but the brand-names of goods of whatever else could be bought,” wrote Eric Hobsbawm of the cultural transformations of 1960s and after. The same could be said of th...
15. Please share how writers should contact you to submit a query and your links on the Web. My website Root Literary’s Website My Manuscript Wishlist page My Publishers Marketplace page My Twitter My Instagram Additional Advice: 16. Is there any other advice you’d like to share with ...
“Civilization has seemingly led us full circle, back to the state of nature taught to use by the founding fathers of modern thought. But now it is present not in rhetoric but in reality.” p. 109 The idea of modern political philosophy was to deconstruct the existing social structure so ...
He won such awards as the American Book Award (for The Tunnel), The Truman Capote Award for Literary Criticism (for A Temple of Texts), the American Academy and Institute of Arts and Letters Award for Fiction, and The National Book Critics Circle Award for Criticism (three times). This ...
This may also account for his fascination with the charismatic figure of Stefan Georg and his circle—perhaps the last genuinely charismatic figure in German cultural circles [9]. 2. The Argument Three issues arise from these introductory comments. The first is the general problem of providing ...