Psychoanalytic Theory and Criticism : 1 . Traditional Freudian CriticismFreud, AfterGay, Peter
1、PsychoanalyticCriticism1DefinitionPsychoanalyticliterarycriticismreferstoliterarycriticismwhich,inmethod,concept,theory,orform,isinfluencedbythetraditionofpsychoanalysisbegunbySigmundFreud.Psychoanalyticreadinghasbeenpracticedsincetheearlydevelopmentofpsychoanalysisitself,andhasdevelopedintoarichand 2、heterogeneousinterpretive...
Psychoanalytic Criticism 1Definition Psychoanalytic literary criticism refers to literary criticism which, in method, concept, theory, or form, is influenced by the tradition of psychoanalysis begun by Sigmund Freud. Psychoanalytic reading has been practiced since the early development ofpsychoanalysis itself...
Moreover, the psychoanalytic approach completely ignored social and ideological factors in literature. Applying psychoanalytic principles to art in a different manner, C. G. Jung formulated his theory of the collective unconscious (archetypes) in On the Relationship Between Analytical Psychology and the ...
The discussion examines the main influences and concepts in Kuspit's psychoanalytic criticism, analyses specific differences between this psychoanalytic model and a Lacanian theory of perversion and desire, and considers the effect of these differences in the interpretation of art....
unconsciousaspectsofthehumanpsyche. 无意识论是精神分析学说的核心,是精神分 析学派的标志。 Keypoints Thestructuralmodeofpersonality (三重人格学说) According to Freud’s psychoanalytic theory of personality, personality is composed of three elements. These three elements of personality—known as the id, ...
development is Erikson’sPsychosocialTheory‚ which was created by Erik Erikson. Several othertheoriesdo not apply to development as much‚ the one created by Sigmund Freud‚ his PsychoanalyticTheorywhich is onetheorythat least describes development. Erik Erikson created aPsychosocialTheorythat ...
The best single sourcebooks for the brief outline of psychoanalytic theory are the New Introductory Lectures on Psychoanalysis (1933) and much briefer Outlineof Psychoanalysis (1940). Today, Freud's books in standard translation are easily available from Penguin Books and in The Standard Edition of ...
Psychoanalytic Criticism essaysHelen Garners controversial novel The First Stone (1995) tells the story of a sexual harassment case in a Melbourne university, and attempts to analyse the power relations between men and women. By applying psychoanalytic c