说起批判性思维(Critical Thinking),很多人首先会重点关注“批判”二字,按中文字面觉得批判性思维的目的是挑错,有点“抬杠”的意思。这种想法误解大部分情况是由于中文翻译的问题,中文没有直接对应的词汇。 关于批判性思维的最新定义,有以下两种。1)The objective analysis and evaluation of an issue in order to ...
学生有时会收到诸如“你的文章太过描述性(too descriptive)”或 “你需要表现出更批判性的分析(critical analysis)”这样的feedback。虽然一些描述可能是必要的,例如,如果你提供背景信息,但大多数大学作业要求你的研究是分析性和批判性的。 在研究中展示你自己的想法 你的写作需要展示你对论证和文献材料的解释,你如...
Part I: Critical thinking questions 1. Whatdoesfermentation and alcohol productionhave to do withcell respiration? 2. What is the difference between aerobic and anaerobic respiration? 3. What are the stages of aerobic respiration? 4. If yeastcellsare used to make a carbonated soft drink, would...
Questions that ask for an evaluation.要求评估的问题。 (1) 哪些因素影响了决策? (2) 对手怎么评价这个想法? (3) 支持者如何维护这个决定? (4) 如何在其他条件下应用决策? (5) 哪些因素导致了不寻常的后果? Questions that ask for rationale and evidence.询问理由和证据的问题。 (1) 什么样的可以成为例...
like the seasons when flowers bloom.You can either ask him questions or just explain to him in a casual way.Recognize and classify.For critical thinking,your child must learn to recognize important information that is closely connected with thesubject.Classification of things on a certainfirm and...
Discuss the following questions.1. If there is a glass of water that is filled halfway, do you see the glass as half full or half empty? Can you learn anything from this?2. If you want to lose weight, will you be determined to achieve your goal? If you failed, what might be the...
批判性思维(critical thinking):就是审慎地运用逻辑推理去评估一个论述的质量。主要由以下三个维度激活的评估技能:❶意识到一整套环环相扣的批判性问题。❷有能力在适当时机以适当方式提出并回答这些问题。❸有积极主动地使用这些批判性问题的强烈渴望。批判性思维的运用:对自己所耳闻目睹的一切系统地进行评判。
Note answers to the questions below. Then discuss with a partner.1. Why is it important to know how to greet people from other countries? 相关知识点: 试题来源: 解析 在当今全球化的世界中,了解如何与来自其他国家的人打招呼至关重要。因为不同的文化有不同的问候方式,使用正确的问候方式可以表达尊重...
17、e) assumption putting the assumption to test reconstructing belief arriving at accurate conclusion.23 puzzled waiting to be told the answer.24Critical Thinking “Stairway”Questions / problems / plan / goal, etc.observation: gathering relevant informationprocessing information: analyzing, comparing, ...
The ethnicities and accents of the various young people he spoke with indicated a fairly broad cross-section of the world. Many of the youngsters asked pertinent questions about what he was doing. Sure, some were pretty goofy and at least one was stoned off his gourd, but they wanted to ...