Jahn, D., and Kenner, A. (2018). Critical thinking in higher education: how to foster it using digital media. In The Digital Turn in Higher Education (pp. 81-109). Springer.Danvers, E., 2016. Re-thinking Criticality: Undergraduate students, critical thinking and higher education. ...
Education Research InternationalVerburgh, A., Francois, S., Elen, J., & Janssen, R. (2013). The assessment of critical thinking critically assessed in higher education: A validation study of the CCTT and the HCTA. Manuscript under review....
Critical thinking is one of the most important skills deemed necessary for college graduates to become effective contributors in the global workforce. The first part of this article provides a comprehensive review of its definitions by major frameworks in higher education and the workforce, existing as...
The literature on critical thinking in higher education is constructed around the fundamental assumption that, while regarded as essential, is neither clearly or commonly understood. There is elsewhere evidence that academics and students have differing perceptions of what happens in university classrooms,...
Contemporary higher education is committed to enhancing students' scientific thinking in part by improving their capacity to think critically, a competence that forms a foundation for scientific thinking. We introduce and evaluate the characteristic elements of critical thinking (i.e. cognitive skills, ...
THEPALGRAVEHANDBOOKOFCRITICALTHINKINGINHIGHEREDUCATION Copyright©MartinDaviesandRonaldBarnett,2015. Allrightsreserved. Firstpublishedin2015by PALGRAVEMACMILLAN® intheUnitedStates—adivisionofSt.Martin’sPressLLC, 175FifthAvenue,NewYork,NY10010. WherethisbookisdistributedintheUK,Europeandtherestoftheworld, ...
当当中国进口图书旗舰店在线销售正版《【预订】The Palgrave Handbook of Critical Thinking in Higher Education 9781137378033》。最新《【预订】The Palgrave Handbook of Critical Thinking in Higher Education 9781137378033》简介、书评、试读、价格、图片等相关信息
The development of 'critical thinking' is often put forward as an ideal of higher education. However, there is a significant contention over what is meant by the phrase. This paper looks at how a critical approach might be encouraged as an aspect of skills development in higher education. In...
The Palgrave Handbook of Critical Thinking in Higher Education , The Palgrave handbook of critical thinking in higher education (pp. 1-26). New York: Palgave Macmillan.Gelder, T. v. 2015. 'Using argument mapping to improve critical thinking skills.' in Martin Davies and Ronald Barnett, (eds...
369Part VCritical Thinking and the Cognitive SciencesWork being done in the cognitive sciences is important for critical thinking in higher education. This is because critical thinking is, in part at least, a cog-nitive skill. Cognitive skills, by definition, involve the brain, and therefore rese...