As such, it better serves the ends for which Honneth claims that critical theory should turn to psychoanalysis in the first place.doi:10.1179/1440991715Z.00000000055AllenAmyCritical HorizonsALLEN, A. "Are We Driven? Critical Theory and Psychoanalysis...
We commit it when we think that considerations about a person refute his or her assertions. The formula for the personal attack ad hominem fallacy is this: Someone has such-and-such a negative feature; therefore, his/her claim (belief, opinion, theory, proposal, etc.) stands refuted. This...
Predictions and Probabilities But you cannot, even with hindsight, say that the prediction was a fact when it was made. Hypotheses (Theory) Many scientific claims which are generally accepted, actually are not fact, but hypotheses. Recommendations "should be"... 2.2 Judging claims If we question...
Critical theory challenges accepted truths and reveals the extent to that which is 'common sense', 'natural' or 'taken for granted' can be shaped by the powerful in their own interests, as indeed is what counts as evidence. This has however led to a problem that respect for evidence or...
that person’s ideas, proposals, theories, opinions, claims, or arguments. The Inconsistency Ad Hominem 自相矛盾型付诸人身 “Moore’s claim is inconsistent with something else Moore has said or done; therefore, his claim (belief, opinion, theory, proposal, etc.) stands refuted.” This is ...
If you’re an author or publisher with a forthcoming book, drop us a line at with the subject “New Book.” Humankind By Timothy Morton “What is it that makes humans human? As science and technology challenge the boundaries between life and non-life, between organ...
critical race theory, feminism, queer theory, and disability studies. They engage with the hyper-incarceration of people of color, the incomplete abolition of slavery, the exploitation of prisoners as workers and as “raw material” for the prison industrial complex, the intensive confinement of pri...
In his conclusion, von Holdt claims that there is a Southern sociology that is ‘counter-hegemonic’ to the dominant sociology of the Global North. What should we mean by ‘counter-hegemonic’? Antonio Gramsci, the originator of the theory of hegemony, never used the term ‘counter-hegemonic’...