【真人跑团】【搬运中文字幕】美国著名跑团节目《Critical Role》,第一季响应一下之前很多同学的建议,我会搬运CR第一季的节目,官方字幕组的朋友制作了前边的一部分中文字幕,之后如果只有英文字幕我就只会把英文字幕放上来。目前重心还是在... 【真人跑团】【搬运中文字幕】美国著名跑团节目《Critical Role》,第一季响应一下之前很多同学的建议,我会搬运CR第一季的节目,官方字幕组的朋友制作了前边的一部分中文字幕,之后如果只有英文字幕我就只会把英文字幕放上来。目前重心还是在...
61 We all need a little time to relax and breathe. Grab yourself a book, your sketchpad, or relax your way withMighty Vibes, Critical Role's homage to "beats to relax/study to" fromChilledcow. Enjoy a carefully curated playlist of chill tunes to help put your mind at ease, paired with...
MATT: Hello, everyone, and welcome to this evening's episode of Critical Role, where a bunch of us voice actors get together and roll dice like we're awesome nerd people, which we are. So, welcome! We're going to do a couple quick announcements here before we kick things off. You ...
Exandria Unlimited: Calamity premieres Thursday, May 26th at 7pm Pacific on Twitch and YouTube and will continue weekly on Thursdays until its finale on June 17th. Episodes will be available on the Critical Role podcast network one week after the initial broadcast. For more information on the ...
Of course, raising interest rates play a role, as suddenly free money is no longer available. Yes, utopia is still a long way away, but that is the very nature of utopia. Cute fairy tales populated with unicorns (as you probably know, a term used for successful start-ups) are nice bu...
This session aims to introduce students to some of the main concepts structuring twentieth-century approaches to language, with particular emphasis on the role of language in the dynamics of cultural-political exclusion and inclusion.We will read Jacques Derrida’s Monolingualism of the Other(1996) ... 【真人跑团】【自制中文字幕】美国著名跑团节目Critical Role,第二季,第三集,part6 前情提要:一行人做好出发准备,离开旅店准备追击恶魔蟾蜍 原文字幕扒自油管,纯手工翻译,所以有些地方会有错误,有些地方翻的会比较有自己风格如有错... ———我们不生产影片,我们只是影片的搬运工!!!游戏 桌游棋牌 龙与地下城 跑团 DND 桌游棋牌 CC字幕 Critical Role DND龙与地下城高考倒计时2天!点击围观考生精神状态 评论... ———我们不生产影片,我们只是影片的搬运工!!!游戏 桌游棋牌 龙与地下城 跑团 DND 桌游棋牌 CC字幕 Critical Role DND龙与地下城评论258 最热 最新 请先登录后发表评论 ...