Google Scholar European Commission, 2023 European Commission (2023). Critical Raw Materials Act (Proposal). Google Scholar ...
In the absence of direct experimental data, a ( )coinocmcaunmraldoonugeyatswosuitcmhonpthdtieeonfnosrawmtaiosanttihooanftsotphfeetchaiefnicfteis-roprofotelalAercFstEhriicpfth(sFooEnf)oPnpbhm2a+soeidoiennsaftientrhrtoeheerleemlcetovrsiactnssttvwuiadaivtehedveeascnottfoitferenqrirΣnog=eloefct...
EUR-Lex, E UR-Lex. Google Scholar European Commission -, 2010 European Commission - Ad-hoc working group on defining critical raw materials Critical Raw Materials for the EU - European Commission DG Enterprise, Brussels, Belgium (2010) as available for...
Critical Raw Materials Act—European Commission. Available online: (accessed on 22 December 2024). Helping Companies in China Recycle 50% of E-Waste by 2025...
According to ELCD core database V3.0, two main types of lorries (medium sized lorry transport, low impact, maximum capacity of 17.3 tonnes; articulated lorry transport: high impact, maximum capacity of 27 tonnes) are used to transport raw materials to concrete plant (Table 4). Appl. Sci. ...
The Euratom Directive permits water suppliers to set limit values for radon in the range of 100–1000 Bq/L despite the proposed limit of 100 Bq/L. This guideline could create potential safety gaps among EU populations or disparities, even in the same country, between areas of different aquif...
The latter is a major concern in occupational settings, for instance during the manufacture of nanoparticle-containing materials. Due to their small size and surface coating, e.g., quantum dot NPs applied to the lung may translocate and distribute systemically within hours [9]; particle size and...
Briefly, SA involved the rapid tapping of the sand surface no deeper than 1 cm and decanting of the supernatant water before recharging with raw water and repeating. This is not dissimilar to the ‘swirl and dump’ technique described in the manual for the construction and maintenance of bio-...
International Journal of Molecular Sciences Article The Ability to Regulate Transmembrane Potassium Transport in Root Is Critical for Drought Tolerance in Barley Kangfeng Cai 1, Huaizhou Gao 1, Xiaojian Wu 2, Shuo Zhang 1, Zhigang Han 1, Xiaohui Chen 1, Guoping Zhang 1 and Fanrong Zeng 1,...
The process of secondary succession is one of the most significant threats to non-forest (natural and semi-natural open) Natura 2000 habitats in Poland; shrub and tree encroachment taking place on abandoned, low productive agricultural areas, historicall