patientswithrefractorycriticallimbischemia:lessonslearned fromapilotrandomized,double-blind,placebo-controlledtrial AMISHN.RAVAL 1 ,ERICG.SCHMUCK 1 ,GIRMATEFERA 2 ,CATHLYNLEITZKE 1 , CASSONDRAVANDERARK 1 ,DEREKHEI 3 ,JOHNM.CENTANNI 1 ,RANILDESILVA 4 , JILLKOCH 1 ,RICHARDG.CHAPPELL 5 &PEIMANHEMATTI...
Some animal studies show that fluids increase the cardiac index [88]; others show that they worsen shock by indu- cing RV ischemia or decreasing LV filling or both as the result of ventricular diastolic interdependence (due to an increase in RV volume) [89-91]. In acute cor pulmonale ...