Bab, M, Fabricius, G, Albano, E (2009) Critical exponents of the ising model on low-dimensional fractal media. Physica A 388: pp. 370M.A.Bab,G.Fabricius,E.V.Albano.Critical exponents of the Ising model on low-dimensional fractal media.Physica A:Statistical Me-chanics and its ...
The Ising model in a transverse field is considered at T = 0. From the analysis of the power low behaviors of the energy gap and the order parameter as functions of the field a new relation between the respective critical exponents, β 1 / ( 8 s 2 ), is derived. By using the ...
Ising model in a quenched random field: Critical exponents in three dimensions from high-temperature series A formalism is given whereby high-temperature series for the random-field Ising model on a d-dimensional hypercubic lattice is obtained by a partitioning o... A Khurana,FJ Seco,A Houghton...
In this study, we computed three critical exponents ($\alpha, \beta, \gamma$) for the 3D Ising model with Metropolis Algorithm using Finite-Size Scaling Analysis on six cube length scales (L=20,30,40,60,80,90), and performed a supervised Deep Learning (DL) approach (3D Convolutional Neu...
We show that current estimates of the critical exponents of the three-dimensional random-field Ising model are in agreement with the exponents of the pure Ising system in dimension 3 - theta where theta is the exponent that governs the hyperscaling violation in the random case....
critical exponents for the three dimensional Ising systems with quenched disorder. Here, we deal with a renormalization group study of both asymptotic and effective critical behavior. Perturbation theory series, which are known in the 5–loop approximation for the O(n) model with cubic anisotropy...
Theoretical or Mathematical/ Ising modellattice theory and statistics/ decorated Ising modelcritical exponentsdecorationclassical vector spinsIsing spinsuniversality classmatrix lattice/ A0550 Lattice theory and statisticsIsing problems A7540 Critical-point effects, specific heats, short-range order in magnetic...
摘要: We show that current estimates of the critical exponents of the three-dimensional random-field Ising model are in agreement with the exponents of the pure Ising system in dimension 3 - theta where theta is the exponent that governs the hyperscaling violation in the random case.关键词:...
The critical behavior of the random-field Ising model has long been a puzzle. Different methods predict that its critical exponents in D dimensions are the same as in the pure (D-2)-dimensional ferromagnet with the same number of the magnetization components contrary to the experiments and simul...
The ising model on a random planar lattice: The structure of the phase transition and the exact critical exponents D.V. Boulatov, V.A. KazakovShow moreShow less Choose an option to locate/access this article: Check if you have access through your login credentials or your institutionCheck ...