当您在玩瓦罗兰特(Valorant)时遇到“A critical error has occurred”的错误信息,这通常表明游戏遇到了一个严重的问题,导致它无法继续运行。以下是一些针对此错误的常见原因和基本的故障排除步骤: 1. 确认错误信息的完整内容 虽然您已经提到了主要的错误信息,但有时候完整的错误日志或弹窗可能会提供更多有用的线索。确...
Games such as Valorant often require extra privileges to be able to access various system resources that are not available to them by default. When these resources are restricted, Valorant runs into various errors including the critical error. To solve this, I recommend you let Valorant run as ...