Experiments may be absolute or comparative. In the field of teaching the experiments are most often comparative, that is two or more treatments or patterns are compared in terms of their effects on a chosen characteristic of the population. The general procedure of Not...
As for criteria for "good futures research," there are none identifiable now; it is doubtful that there can be any; it might be better for the future if there were none. Using veracity and accuracy as possible criteria, the paper explores the past and finds considerable lack of agreement ...
Good sub-questions should be:Less complex than the main question Focused only on 1 type of research Presented in a logical orderHere are a few examples of descriptive and framing questions:Descriptive: According to current government arguments, how should a European bank tax be implemented?
Most research indicate that it is not the toxic chemicals in the urban stormwater runoff, which decimates the quality of urban streams, rather it is the sheer magnitude of the hydraulic response to extreme peaks in the runoff hydrograph (Box 2; Figure 8). Box 1 Additional Notes 1. Criteria...
One cognitively affordable strategy in the face of such cost and uncertainty is to use a single decision threshold and attempt to maximize the average reward rate across multiple SNRs. This can be a good strategy especially in contexts in which setting a single threshold results in only ...
Two general types of problems have been used: interactive tasks and multiple-choice tasks. Creating interesting and attractive tasks that are also motivating and funny for the pupils is very challenging. The paper deals with criteria for good tasks. Some examples of tasks are presented and ...
“Creation of newnowledge is good,butn optional good.”Respect and care foruman beings is gooda mandatory good.”ans Jonas ResearchCompliance Office 2ResearchCompliance Office 3Criteria for Approval of Researchriteria for Approval of Research ...
In a multicentre study from three different countries, we examine men who were initially suitable for AS according to the Toronto and Prostate Cancer Research International: Active Surveillance (PRIAS) criteria, that underwent radical prostatectomy (RP) in regards to: 1. the proportion of ...
We then synthesize this research into a taxonomy of characteristics of the MCDA process, grouped into three main phases, (i) problem formulation, (ii) construction of the decision recommendation, and (iii) qualitative features and technical support. Each of these phases includes a subset of the ...
It also suggests future research directions for enhancing CO2 absorption/regeneration performance using nanoabsorbents. Other details regarding the particular aspects of nanoabsorbents, such as their chemical composition, physical properties, stability, and heat-transfer enhancement properties, are also ...