litigation costsandthestringentapplication criteriaforlegal aid services, the masses and even the middle class are actually unable to put their casesofunjustice on the scales to allow the goddessofJustice to do justice for them. ...
40 Further, some States impose eligibility criteria for legal aid, which may be difficult for trafficked persons to fulfil, such as [...] 40 此外,一些国 家还规定了获得法律援助的资格标准,例如被援助者必须是该国国民或具有法律 地位和住所的长期居民,而被贩运者往往难以符合...
The current study aims to fill this gap by proposing an alternative criteria for assessing overall bank performance. The alternative criteria set, determined by considering the opinions of professionals with different experience and knowledge in the banking field and past studies, comprises 13 evaluation...
Foiani MS, Cicognola C, Ermann N, et al. Searching for novel cerebrospinal fluid biomarkers of tau pathology in frontotemporal dementia: an elusive quest. J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry. 2019;90(7):740-746. doi:10.1136/jnnp-2018-319266Google ScholarCrossref 86. Monacelli F...
For the aforementioned reasons, when these institutions have their own financial and legal structure and governance, they can be considered autonomous and should therefore be incorporated into the database. A fourth operational indicator of being a stand-alone entity is that the entity is not set ...
designation of legal aid services to individuals;thesetting of criteriaandaccreditation of legal aid providers, including [...] (b) 享有提供法律援助的必要权限,包括但不局限于:人事任命、将法律 援助服务指派给个人、拟订标准并对法律援助提供人进行资格论证,包括确...
the eligibilitycriteriaforlegal aid,theassetlimit should be scrapped so that nobody's application [...] 如果大家認為真的要放寬法援,便不要設資產上限,來者不拒,但不能選擇律師。 [...] ...
undertake a fundamental review onthecriteria used fordetermining eligibility for legal aid, taking into account [...] 委員認為,政府當局應檢 討其為所有申請定下劃一財務資格限額的做法,並應對決定法律援助資格的準則作深入檢討,將所有相關因素(包括案件性質及所 涉罪行的嚴重程度...
in particular,whethertheeligibilitycriteriaforthe Supplementary Legal Aid Scheme are so demanding that most peoplearenotqualified and have to engage the [...] (三 ) 有否評估這類公司日漸增多是否反映現行的法援計劃有問題,當 中法律援助輔助計劃(“輔助計劃")的申請資格是否過...
countries for the proposed field visits. 关于案例研究在其他方面的结论以及高 级 监测 和 评价 干 事提 出的 进行实地访问的提 议,一些成员询问用什么标准来选择 实地 访问的国家。 In other words, the evaluation criteria and procedures used must achieve (a)...