For engineering and pharmacy courses, candidates must have completed16 years of ageas or on 31stDecember of the year of admission and no upper age limit. For B.Tech (Dairy Technology), B.Tech. (Ag. Engineering), B.Tech. (FT) and B.Sc. (CA & BM), candidates must have completed a m...
Short physical performance battery assessing lower extremity function: association with self-reported disability and prediction of mortality and nursing home admission. J Gerontol. 1994;49:M85–94. Article CAS PubMed Google Scholar Studenski S, Perera S, Patel K, et al. Gait speed and survival ...
As U.S. healthcare becomes increasingly focused on improving quality of care (ie, pay-for-performance initiatives), assessing and monitoring the referral patterns to burn centers is critical in providing optimal burn care. Few studies have compared admission, treatment, and discharge patterns at ...
is an entrance test organised by banasthali university for female students to get admission into different ug and pg courses. bvat is organised by the university only for female candidates. aspirants who wish to appear for the exam are recommended to fill out the application form and pay the ...
Over the past two decades states have expanded the delivery of long term care from institutions to the home and community. Although state Medicaid need criteria for the home and community based services (HCBS) waiver program must be equivalent to those for nursing facility (NF) criteria, other ...
Changes in indicators of nutritional status, including skeletal muscle mass and abdominal fat mass, within 7 days of admission were obtained for 61 participants to validate the predictive capability of the GLIM criteria for the patients’ response of standardized nutritional support. The GLIM criteria ...
AdmissionCriteria ItemExceptionalSuitabilityfor Nursing AdequateSuitabilityfor Nursing MarginalSuitabilityfor Nursing* GradePointAverage>3.02.5–<3.0<2.5Willnotbeconsidered TEASTestReading>92%Correct**>85%Correct**<85%Willnotbeconsidered *TEASTestTotalScore>82%Correct**>75%Correct**<75%Correct ...
Prescribing of potentially inappropriate medications (PIMs) has been found to be prevalent among the elderly and PIM use has been associated with hospitalisations and mortality. Objectives This study aims to identify the prevalence and nature of pre-admission inappropriate prescribing by using the STOPP...
RESULTS: Patients who had a higher number of targeting criteria at admission showed a significantly increasing trend toward death ( P ≤ .001), nursing home placement ( P ≤ .01), and longer hospital stays ( P ≤ .01) at 12 months. In univariate analyses, weight loss (relative hazard ...
birth, sex, functional status just before admission (Barthel Index), household (alone, with relatives or other people or in a nursing home), length of stay and destination at discharge from the present episode of hospitalization (home, transfer to another hospital, transfer to a nursing home)....