Cristiano Ronaldo’sprofessional debut came on August 14, 2002, at the age of 17, in the Champions League qualifying match, where Sporting de Lisboa faced Inter Milan. On September 30, he made his debut in the Portuguese league in a game against Sporting Braga, where his club was defeated...
Latest Cristiano Ronaldo news and reports. The Portuguese striker who has played for Man Utd and Real Madrid.
Latest Cristiano Ronaldo news and reports. The Portuguese striker who has played for Man Utd and Real Madrid.
CristianoRonaldoJunior 2022-1-28 20:38 来自C罗超话 乔治娜纪录片第一集迷你居然有女朋友了 C罗超话 迷你罗超话 乔治娜超话 LCristianoRonaldoJunior的微博视频 小窗口 û收藏 7 评论 ñ23 c +关注 CristianoRonaldoJunior 2021-12-25 12:48 来自迷你罗超话 迷你罗超话圣诞快乐...
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图片来源:Ins 迷你罗的账户名称是“cristianoronaldo_mini2010”,他发布了一条短视频,并且在旁边写道:“大家好,这是我的Ins新账户,希望你们能够喜欢!”在C罗加盟尤文以后,儿子迷你罗也随着父亲的脚步加盟了尤文梯队,并且在尤文U9的表现非常出色。有球迷曾调侃:“大概尤文买一送一的附赠品是C罗。” JUDY_ZOE 4-26...
图片来源:Ins 迷你罗的账户名称是“cristianoronaldo_mini2010”,他发布了一条短视频,并且在旁边写道:“大家好,这是我的Ins新账户,希望你们能够喜欢!”在C罗加盟尤文以后,儿子迷你罗也随着父亲的脚步加盟了尤文梯队,并且在尤文U9的表现非常出色。有球迷曾调侃:“大概尤文买一送一的附赠品是C罗。” JUDY_ZOE 4-26...
Ronaldo and Messi are not the only familiar faces set for a World Cup farewell. At the age of 39, Brazil's Dani Alves and Portugal's Pepe will surely grace the tournament for the final time, as will 38-year-old Thiago Silva, 37-year-old Lu...
She is also now living a millionaire lifestyle and she is only 20 years of age.But despite all this wealth, the unknown mother of Cristiano Ronaldo Junior hasn’t found happiness, rumours explain. The heartbroken young woman (aged 20 precisely, according to Sunday Mirror) has realized that ...