Now that my hair has gotten longer and I can put it into a low ponytail, I find myself wearing that style more and more for several reasons. ► It feels good to make a ponytail when you have severe shrinkage. ►By keeping the ponytail in for a few hours, I...
Considering that the story-line sounds like the typical fodder for the women's movie networks, this film is quite well done. The characters and performances are pretty believable, the kids are fairly kid-like, and for those of you who have written off Goldie Hawn, she's quite nicely un-...
“Brilliantly captures the adolescent-level Zen that thoughtful kids bring to their assessment of the world.” — The Bulletin of the Center for Children’s Books (starred review) “There is a great deal of humor in this gentle story about a group of childhood friends facing the crossroads of...