CRISPR-Net简介 CRISPR/Cas9基因编辑系统已被公认为基因编辑的开创性工具,该系统在许多物种(如人类、小鼠、植物等)基因的靶向切割中具有极高的效率。然而,许多研究报道,Cas9复合物能够错误地结合到一些非靶标的区域并切割这些位点(脱靶效应)。向导RNA(sgRNA)的这些脱靶效应能够引发诸多的副作用,因此阻碍了CRISPR/Cas9系...
🔍 让我们深入了解CRISPR-Net的功能。与之前的Cas-Offinder相比,CRISPR-Net不仅能够预测sgRNA靶标序列可能发生脱靶的位置,还能量化该位置发生脱靶的概率。这意味着,研究人员现在可以更准确地评估基因编辑实验的风险。📚 舒桐官网已经收录了这两款强大的工具,用户可以同时使用Cas-Offinder、Cas-Designer和CRISPR-Net来设...
A Recurrent Convolutional Network Quantifies CRISPR Off-Target Activities with Mismatches and Indels Citation info: Lin J., Zhang Z., Zhang S., Chen J & Wong K.-C. CRISPR-Net: A Recurrent Convolutional Network Quantifies CRISPR Off-Target Activities with Mismatches and Indels. Advanced Science...
CRISPR/Cas system: An emerging technology in stem cell research. World J Stem Cells 2019; 11(11): 937-956 URL: DOI:
CTX-131 is a gene-modified cell therapy commercialized by CRISPR Therapeutics, with a leading Phase II program in Cervical Cancer;Endometrial Cancer.
Gene/allele replacementGenome editingHomology-directed repair (HDR)CRISPR/Cas, as a simple, versatile, robust and cost-effective system for genome manipulation, has dominated the genome editing field over the past few years. The application of CRISPR/Cas in crop......
this is the opening scene of unnatural selection, netflix’s provocative new docuseries about crispr gene-editing technology , which premieres today on the streaming platform. but don’t let the canine masturbation scenes and self-experimentation soapboxing scare you off. ishee is just one ...
“Unnatural Selection,” a four-part docuseries debuting Friday, dissects the stories, science, and ethics behind genome editing, following academics, biohackers, and patients as they move through a brave new world made possible by technologies like CRISPR. ...
CRISPR分子剪刀有望彻底改变遗传疾病的治疗方法。它可以用于纠正基因组中特定的缺陷片段。然而,研究发现这种修复方式在某些情况下会引入新的基因缺陷,慢性肉芽肿病就是一个例子。 苏黎世大学ImmuGene项目的基础研究人员和临床医生团队在《Communications Biology》上报告了这一发现。
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