1. Schaefer KA, Wu WH, Colgan DF, Tsang SH, Bassuk AG,Mahajan VB. Unexpected mutations after CRISPR-Cas9 editing in vivo. Nat Methods 2017; 14:547-548. 2. IyerV, Shen B, Zhang W et al. Off-targetmutations are rare in Cas9-modif...
参考文献: 1. Schaefer KA, Wu WH, Colgan DF, Tsang SH, Bassuk AG,Mahajan VB. Unexpected mutations after CRISPR-Cas9 editing in vivo. Nat Methods 2017; 14:547-548. 2. IyerV, Shen B, Zhang W et al. Off-targetmutations are rare in Cas9-modified mice. NatMethods 2015; 12:479. 3. ...
it is difficult to determine off-target effects of editing due to single nucleotide polymorphism in individuals. Here, we developed a method named GOTI (Genome-wide Off-target analysis by Two-cell embryo Injection) to detect off-targe...
Gosis BS, Ding Q, Collins R, Ragavendran A, Brand H, Erdin S, Cowan CA, Talkowski ME, Musunuru K. Low incidence of off-target mutations in individual CRISPR-Cas9 and TALEN targeted human stem cell clones detected by whole-genome
In vivo CRISPR editing with no detectable genome-wide off- target mutations. Nature (2018) 2: 914. doi:10.1038/s41586-018-0500-9Akcakaya P, Bobbin ML, Guo JA, Malagon-Lopez J, Clement K, Garcia SP, Fellows MD, Porritt MJ, Firth MA, Carreras A, et al. In vivo CRISPR editing ...
通常,我们检测非靶标突变(off-target mutations)的方法是:先利用计算机算法预测出最可能被“错误击中”的区域,然后再检查这些“危险区域”的缺失和插入情况。 9月12日,《Nature》期刊最新发表一篇题为“In vivo CRISPR editing with no detectable genome-wide off-target mutations”的研究,揭示了一种预测基因组编辑...
然而近期发表在Nature Methods杂志上题为“Unexpected mutations after CRISPR-Cas9 editing in vivo”的研究轰动了整个科研圈,通过全基因组测序分析表明,CRISPR基因编辑会引入数百种不可预估的突变到基因组中,引发了大家关于CRISPR系统潜在脱靶效应的热烈讨论。
CRISPR–Cas genome-editing nucleases hold substantial promise for developing human therapeutic applications1,2,3,4,5,6 but identifying unwanted off-target mutations is important for clinical translation7. A well-validated method that can reliably identify off-targets in vivo has not been described to...
2017年5月发表在Nature Methods杂志上,题为“Unexpected mutations after CRISPR-Cas9 editing in vivo”的研究轰动了整个学术圈。该文章声称CRISPR/Cas9基因编辑系统会引入大量不可预估的突变到小鼠基因组中,由此引发了关于CRISPR/Cas9系统潜在脱靶效应的一系列激烈的讨论。后续调查结果发现,所谓大规模的脱靶现象是作者使用...
In a previous study, we used CRISPR/Cas9 to edit the grapevine genome and obtained 22 edited lines with no off-target mutations detected by target sequencing12. To characterize the potential genome-wide off-target rate in greater depth, in this study, we performed a large-scale WGS analysis ...