Based on research recently published in the journalCell, scientists at The University of Texas have achieved a breakthrough that can make the CRISPR gene-editing tool a safe cure for life-threatening diseases such as cancer, HIV and Huntington’s Disease. Essentially, the team has found a way ...
这种问题不是非黑即白的问题。美国德州农工大学(Texas A&M University in College Station)的昆虫生态学家Micky Eubanks表示,他第一次接触到gene-drive这个概念时就被吓了一跳。据Eubanks介绍,当他第一次听到这个概念时的第一反应就是‘我的天呐,这太可怕了,太疯狂了’。但是当你再想想,尤其是与我们已经,并且...
CRISPR 技术如同一把“分子剪刀”,能够剪短DNA分子。此后,人类就利用这类分子剪刀在试管中“裁剪”DNA,获取有益的DNA,用于工业生产,或者对基因进行改良。(图片来源:Jenna Luecke and David Steadman/Univ. of Texas at Austin)目前,科学家们已采用基因编辑工具CRISPR,去编辑几乎所有生物体的基因代码。同时,...
the University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer CenterWei YanjunBaylor College of MedicineZhang PengLin KangyuHe DandanTeng HongqiManyam GanirajuZhang ZhaoLiu WenLee Hye Rin LindsayTang XimingHe WeiIslam NelufaJain AntrixChiu YulunCao ShaolongDiao YaruiMeyer-Gauen SheritaHk MagnusMalovannaya AnnaLi Wenbo...
The Board of Regents of The University of Texas System, a subsidiary of The University of Texas at Austin, is an American company located in Austin, TX. The firm oversees college activities. More Oncogene Cancer immunotherapy Oncology drugs ...
美国德州农工大学(Texas A&M University in College Station)的昆虫生态学家Micky Eubanks表示,他第一次接触到gene-drive这个概念时就被吓了一跳。据Eubanks介绍,当他第一次听到这个概念时的第一反应就是‘我的天呐,这太可怕了,太疯狂了’。但是当你再想想,尤其是与我们已经,并且在继续对自然环境造成的改变对比...
thank Fillip Port for kindly providing the Cas12a plasmid. The research reported in this paper was supported by the Rising STARs Program awarded by The University of Texas System Board of Regents (to V.L.D.A), and by the National Natural Science Foundation of China grant 82202559 (to X.F...
据《基因工程和生物技术新闻》(Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology News, GEN)报道,CRISPR研究员兼诺奖得主Jennifer Doudna预测,CASTs将成为扩展基因编辑工具包的关键因素,它将可能在十年内引入“在任何基因位点、任何生物体中的任何变化”。该团队使用德克萨斯高级计算中心(Texas Advanced Computing Center, TACC)的...
and D.W.T. are inventors on a patent application based on this research titled ‘Methods and compositions for improved Cas9 specificity’ filed by the Board of Regents, The University of Texas System. The US Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) has assigned US application no. 63/243,481 to...
我非常看重一项技术的核心壁垒,创业不要轻易开始,一旦开始更不要轻易放弃。 贝斯生物创始人和首席执行官、美国贝勒医学院分子和人类遗传博士、复旦大学医理结合MD-MS、弘励创投合伙人、美国WI Harper创投合伙人、Texas Children's Hospital 临床遗传学家。在美国和中国的医疗领域具有近20年的风险投资、创业、研发和临床...