Define Crips. Crips synonyms, Crips pronunciation, Crips translation, English dictionary definition of Crips. n. 1. Offensive Slang Used as a disparaging term for a person or animal that is partially disabled or unable to use a limb or limbs. 2. Slang So
don’t need to be in a gang, or even powerful elite, to be something special, uh I really don’t care for it.” As long as I’m living a righteous life, I’m truly happy.” Anything’s possible.” Loading... Reply Brilliant Lights girl 8 years ago I don’t like gangs, I...
Membership is estimated to be around 1,600 people, making it one of the largest gangs in the Los Angeles area according to Wikipedia. In an interview with DJ Vlad Nipsey states his decision to join was Crips was influenced by his environment but also the need to make some money to record...
# 1.3 # 1.3 Q:Which cities have Crip gangs? Atlanta Austin Boston Brooklyn Cape Town Compton Fayetteville Houston Los Angeles New York Oakland Round Rock SaSyracuse University
The East Coast Crips brand is similar to a franchise, consisting of several independent street gangs. Although some sub-sets of the Neighborhood (2x)umbrella are embroiled in bitter feuds with some Gangster Crip (3x)sets, some of them are known for going against the grain, by forming alliance...