Calls for more transparent and replicable scientific practices have been increasing across scientific disciplines over the last decade, often referred to a
We do so by examining the relationship between crimin- ology and criminal law both in China and Western democracies, summarising the significant influence of criminology on the development of criminal law with examples from the West and demonstrating the limited development of Chinese criminology. ...
The inclusion of gender in hate crime legislation has been the subject of scholarly debate since the 1990s, but only a handful of empirical studies have fo
examplesofworkincertainareasofcriminology.Thisisparticularlythecaseregarding historicalcriminology.InBritainforexamplethereareagreatnumberofarticlesthatrelateto thehistoryofcrimeandcrimecontrol(seeEmsley,2002;,1980;Godfrey,1999, forexample). ...
In a report for the US Department of Justice Clarke (2002) cites numerous examples of studies, which indicated that reducing connectivity reduces crime (for example, Bevis & Nutter, 1978; White, 1990; Beavon et al., 1994; Wagner, 1997; Bowers et al., 2005). Furthermore, three recent ...
Examples of fraud and corruption in GSOs ...153.3 The extent of fraud and corruption in GSOs...153.4 Chapter summary ...16 4 The industrification of sport...
and for, systems of the Global North, leaving behind the Global South. Using some key examples of police and courts, Radics points out how culturally embedded the issues are in the Global South, because systems of colonial oppression are maintained and reproduced via the criminal justice tools....
The media play a key role in stereotyping as “ignorant and uncouth hillbillies” people who live in rural US communities. As well, since the ear
are lauded as examples of successful implementations of a plastic bag ban. There are, however, a number of negative impacts surrounding the ban that illustrate the complexity of apparently simple regulatory action. The ban on the manufacture, sale and use of plastic bags in both countries comes ...
Despite this potential bias, it is still the case that officers in control conditions did not wear BWCs; they were certainly aware that the results of their actions and conduct were under surveillance in both treatment and control outcomes, yet this awareness to potential surveillance is not syno...