CRIMINAL USURY AND ITS IMPACT ON NEW YORK BUSINESS TRANSACTIONSBasile, ChristopherTouro College Jacob D. Fuchsberg Law CenterTouro Law Review
Understanding New York Criminal UsuryChristopher Paolino
And sadly Marxism have few good points but it avoids the core problem like a plague (the role of usury and the Jewish ideology/mindset/program) and its solutions are inconsistent, divorced from reality (look at its terminology) and thus harmful by themselves. And this is the reason why it...
kidnappingfor ransom, and the demanding of “protection” payments. The principal source of income for these criminal syndicates is the supply of goods and services that are illegal but for which there is continued public demand, such asdrugs,prostitution, loan-sharking (i.e.,usury), and...