The PRCRA comes into force in Ontario on November 1, 2018. It clarifies the previous inconsistencies between police forces regarding the scope and content of a criminal record check. Under the new law, there are three distinct types of background checks (now called “police record checks”):...
Good Evening, I had a quick question in regards to the Canadian Criminal Record check. I had a check done at the local police station and have received it back, and I have asked them thrice if it was what I needed for immigration purposes, and they have
Many employers require a criminal record check, and will not hire someone with a criminal conviction. If you wish to work in a government agency, you may find that employment is denied or you may be required to obtain a criminal record suspension (pardon) before considered for work. When ...
Criminal Lawyers with a Winning Record At Pyzer Criminal Lawyers, our experienced team has a successful track record defending hundreds of cases. As licensed lawyers and members of the Law Society of Ontario and the Criminal Lawyers’ Association, we fully comprehend the significance of knowledgeable...
You can request aRecord Suspension Application Guideor additional information from: Parole Board of Canada Clemency and Record Suspension Division 410 Laurier Avenue West Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0R1 Telephone:1-800-874-2652 (Callers in Canada and the United States only) ...
2nd Offense DUI Reduced to Reckless Driving (Actual Redacted Court Record) The benefits of the plea were that the client did not have to do any jail time, the probation was reduced from 5 years to 1 year, the client was required to complete an online wet reckless 12 hour class instead...
本公司受皇家骑警授权可为您代办加拿大安省内外科医生协会CPSO所需要的加拿大无犯罪记录证明。您可以通过我们的网站在线申请,保证您在最短的时间内拿到证明。若是您在BC省或者AB省, 您也可以到我们在Richmond或Calgary的办公室当面采集指纹。
AB, Abroad, Alberta, Apostille Services, BC, British Columbia, Calgary, Canada, Canadian Citizenship, Canadian Police Clearance Certificate, Certified Criminal Record Check, Certified Translation Services, Consulate Authentication Services, Consulate Legalization Services, Criminal Background Check, Digital Fing...