With over 1000 staff and franchisees in our network at any given time, the efficiency of getting all necessary checks online using CVCheck, at the price they offer, means we are recruiting the right people for our businesses. Compliance is key, and CVCheck provides the tools we need to ke...
Criminal Record of Teenagers Checked; Liverpool-Based CRB Vetting Children as Young as 13
新西兰无犯罪记录证明由新西兰司法部出具。新西兰无犯罪记录证明的应用广泛,在涉及到求学、工作、移民时均有可能被政府部门要求提供无犯罪记录证明。 新西兰无犯罪记录证明的用途有哪些? 新西兰公民在中国境内就业办理工作签证,或者申请中国永久居留权时,需要向相关的政府部门提供新西兰的无犯罪记录证明,该无犯罪记录证明要经...
Use your NZ documents overseas To use a document overseas it may need to be apostilled or authenticated.Apostilles and authentications are certificates that prove the signature, stamp or seal on a document is genuine. When you need to use a New Zealand document in another country, you may ...
The applicant needs to go to the foreign-related notary office(check the sites below) and bring his/her current passport. The applicant shall tell the detailed period for one’s no criminal record he/she applied for. 2...
部队政审是指在部队征兵时,应征人员接受部队政治审核,包括申请人个人信息以及有无犯罪记录等情况的审查。如果申请人曾经学习、工作或居住在新西兰,需要申请人提供在新西兰期间的无犯罪记录证明并办理海牙认证。新西兰无犯罪记录证明由新西兰司法部出具。 新西兰无犯罪记录证明海牙认证是指对新西兰无犯罪记录证明办理新西兰外交...