Also one of those strange articles in The Daily Nation this past week, drawing on a particular bit of older Kenyan political history: the article notes that Ambassador Kyle McCarter will soon take up his post in Kenya for the United States, and that the first American Ambassador to Kenya, ...
Hannah Arendt’s Inconsistent Account of International Criminal Law The “Peace Versus Justice” Dilemma—a Sketch Scylla or Charybdis? Facing the Tragic Choice Between Peace and Justice Conclusion Notes References Acknowledgments Author information Rights and permissions About this article AdvertisementDiscover...
For existing possibilities to sanction ICC staff, see Rules 23 et seq. of the Rules of Procedure and Evidence. See also Rules 110.1 et seq. of the Staff Rules of the International Criminal Court, available at
Patriotic Front (RPF), formed by Tutsi refugees who had sought asylum with their families in Uganda, invaded Rwanda, starting the Rwandan Civil War in 1990 to 1994. The Tanzanian International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda prosecuted and punished 93 individuals who had taken part in the 1994 geno...
‘Amicus curiaebrief of the United Nations Special Representative of the Secretary-General on Children and Armed Conflict submitted to the ICC in application of Rule 103 of the Rules of Procedure and Evidence, pursuant to the Decision Inviting Observations from the Special Representative of the Secret...
Notes 1. Ratner2017, p 912. Article 38 of the Statute of the International Court of Justice sets out the sources of public international law, which includes both IHL and ICL, but Hilary Charlesworth observes that international law is “generated by a multi-layered process of interactions, inst...
One could indeed simply define money laundering as a procedure whereby one transforms goods acquired through unlawful acts into apparently legal goods. However, overriding considerations of legality and legal security do not permit us to make use of such a simple definition. The crime of money ...
Thomas Lubanga Dyilo, Joint Application of the Legal Representatives of the Victims for the Implementation of the Procedure Under Regulation 55 of the Regulations of the Court, No. ICC-01/04-01/06-1891-tEng (ICC Trial Chamber, 22 May 2009). For a detailed discussion of the victims’ ...