maintain a 24/7 emergency call service for your convenience. We invite you to contact us to schedule a confidential initial consultation with one of our Oshawa criminal defence lawyers. We accept cases through private retainers as well as Legal Aid. Our firm also accepts payments by credit card...
Her Majesty The Queen Respondent and Director of Public Prosecutions of Canada, Attorney General of Ontario, Criminal Lawyers' Association of Ontario, British Columbia Civil Liberties Association and Canadian Civil Liberties Association Interveners Trent Terrence Sinclair Appelant c. Sa Majesté...
Canada "has a legitimate interest in prosecuting persons for activities that take place abroad but have an unlawful consequence here."316 The Libman principle was applied by the Ontario Court of Appeal in R. v. Stucky.317 The respondent "operated a direct mail business in Ontario that sold lot...
Arthur J. Mollon, c.r., et Marian Mancini, pour l'intime´. Gary T. Trotter, pour l'intervenant le procureur ge´ne´ral de l'Ontario. Michael Code et John Norris, pour l'interve- nante la Criminal Lawyers' Association (Ontario). Version franc¸aise du jugement des juges L'...