Choosing the best criminal lawyer – is the best thing you can do for your case. If you hire the wrong attorney, your future is in jeopardy. Here are some key things to consider when choosing a criminal lawyer. Experience Matters:You want to look for a NY criminal defense attorney who ...
Choosing the best criminal lawyer – is the best thing you can do for your case. If you hire the wrong attorney, your future is in jeopardy. Here are some key things to consider when choosing a criminal lawyer. Experience Matters:You want to look for a NY criminal defense attorney who ...
"Prominent criminal defense attorney!" - NY Post “If I get in trouble, I am calling you” - Adversary Howard Greenbergis a Brooklyn criminal defense lawyer committed to finding every hole in the case and maximizing the chances of winning on the odds. Representation in any jurisdiction in the...
Private: Why do you need the best possible NY Criminal Defense Lawyer? Hiring a private criminal defense attorney is an investment in your future. It’s crucial to have the best possible legal help when you’re facing criminal charges. Our NYC criminal attorneys do more than just show in ...
Barry J. Pollack
“JEFF SCHWARTZ IS SIMPLY THE VERY BEST LAWYER IN NEW YORK FOR ANY CRIMINAL MATTER….” –Jay Sanchez, Esq. NY, Harvard Law School ADMITTED IN NEW YORK AND NEW JERSEY A Senior Court Reporter at the Supreme Court with twenty-five years of experience recommended Mr. Schwartz on Linke...
He wasted no time finding a jailhouse lawyer, and after years of appeals, they got the attention of a bleeding heart named Martins, who did pro bono work for lost causes such as Jay’s. There’d been pushback, from law enforcement and the Bello family; Jay’s case got bounced from co...
ConsortiumandPro BonoNet,withsupport fromtheLegalServices CorporationTechnology InitiativeGrantprogram. Toreadalloftheguides inthisseries,visit NYLawHelpor LawHelp. Youmayalsoneedtoprovidecopiesofyourpaystubstoprovehowmuchyou earn.Ifthereisnopublicdefenderorlegalaidlawyerwhereyoulive,thenthe judgecanassignanother...