David Barrese & Associates is a criminal defence law firm in Melbourne, based in the heart of the legal precinct in Melbourne's CBD. We have experience in a broad array of criminal law matters ranging from minor criminal offences to Murder. Our experience includes appearances in all jurisdiction...
expertise in criminal trials, utilising years of criminal law experience and knowledge to obtain the desired result for each and every one of my clients. I am one of Melbourne’s most experienced criminal defence lawyers and available to appear on your behalf in all key court and tribunal ...
VicHealth Centre for Tobacco Control, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia jonlib@yahoo.com Over 20 years ago, Ernest Pepples a Brown & Williamson lawyer, dared put the unmentionable to paper--the possibility that the industry might be held criminally liable for its conduct. He wrote: "If we admit...
Kozarov Lawyers is a Family Law and Criminal Defence firm. Zagi Kozarov of Kozarov Lawyers guides her clients from start to finish, individually tailoring advice to suit each specific circumstance.
doi:10.1080/13218719609524886GreigGreig, Deidre, U Melbourne, Criminology Dept, Parkville, VIC, AustraliaDeidreGreig, Deidre, U Melbourne, Criminology Dept, Parkville, VIC, AustraliaPsychiatry Psychology & Law