Zimbabwe has also taken recent steps to repeal its HIV-specific laws and efforts are ongoing to challenge Kenya’s HIV-specific criminal law as unconstitutional. HIV-specific laws in the rest of the world Within the European Union, only a handful of member states have ever introduced HIV-...
For South Africans, it is a landmark caseconcerning responsibilities of the South African Police Service underdomestic and international law to investigate international crimes. Thecase relates to allegations of widespread torture, amounting to crimesagainst humanity, committed in Zimbabwe. The decision, ...
Among other things, the proposed law would have the effect of criminalising the work of civil society organisations (CSOs) in Zimbabwe by proposing harsh penalties, including jail time of up to one year for NGO Registration framework related perceived offences, a new requir...
“Additionally, a civil penalty framework was inserted in the Exchange Control Act to enable the sanctioning of attempts to re-dollarisation the economy by means of civil penalties administered by the Reserve bank of Zimbabwe rather than the criminal punishments administered by the police and the ...
One of the…so you have other countries in other areas like Nepal, Zimbabwe [?], if I had Palestine but it’s not in my jurisdiction, so in my jurisdiction, Africa is the place. Of course, if you had a California prosecutor with just black people in jail, that’s complicated. But ...
Yet Chad is not the only gracious host on the aforementioned list to violate international law by hosting a leader accused of genocide. Ethiopia and Zimbabwe are both parties to the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide2, and state parties to the Genocide ...
Eastern and Southern Africa Anti-Money Laundering Group (ESAAMLG: Botswana, Kenya, Lesotho, Malawi, Mozambique, Mauritius, Namibia, South Africa, Swaziland, Seychelles, Uganda, Tanzania, Zambia and Zimbabwe); (g) Financial Action Task Force on Money Launderingin South America (GAFISUD, composed...
Child Protection Law Which Came into Operation in January 2009,www.leganet.cd, accessed 13 November 2020. Children’s Act of Uganda, 1997 (as amended). Google Scholar Christopher Kizito v Uganda, Criminal Appeal No. 18/93. Google Scholar ...
we serve as advisers for Dream Bitcoin Foundation in Ghana, and recruit interns here in South Florida forAlakanani Itirelengin Botswana,Philip Agyei Asarein Ghana, andMustapha Colein Sierra Leone. Through them, our interns gain access to Bitcoin supporters in Kenya, Uganda, and Zimba...
loosely put as the ability to make free choices and to act independently and adapt in different environments. Furthermore, “All jurisdictions require that the victim be a natural person; that is, a human being who was still alive before being murdered. In other words, under the...