刑事司法系统(Criminal Justice System)是一个由警察、检察官、法官、监狱等机构和人员组成的复杂体系,主要负责处理犯罪
读音:美英 criminal justice system基本解释 刑事司法制度 分词解释 criminal罪犯,犯人adj. 刑事的 justice正义 system体系,系统
网络犯罪司法系统 网络释义 1. 犯罪司法系统 以美国为例,估计犯罪司法系统(criminal-justice system)在2002年的支出,大约是1000亿美元。其中约三分之一是警力部署的 … news.9ask.cn|基于5个网页 释义: 全部,犯罪司法系统
criminal justice system专业释义 <联合国官方术语> 刑事司法系统;刑事司法制度 <计算机> 刑事审判系统大家的讨论 “Justice”在法律英语中的几种不同的含义和用法 Ella: Justice在法律英语中有多种含义,在此做相关介绍和解释。①正义,公平。英文释义为“the fair treatment of people ”是一种被普遍认为适用法律...
Prosecution through the ordinarycriminal justice systemis also limited. 通过普通刑事司法体系提出的诉讼也十分有限。 UN-2 Survey of United Nations and other best practices in the treatment of prisoners in thecriminal justice system; 调查刑事司法制度范围内罪犯待遇方面的联合国最佳做法及其他最佳做法; ...
求翻译:criminal justice system是什么意思?待解决 悬赏分:1 - 离问题结束还有 criminal justice system问题补充:匿名 2013-05-23 12:21:38 刑事司法系统 匿名 2013-05-23 12:23:18 刑法系统 匿名 2013-05-23 12:24:58 刑法系统 匿名 2013-05-23 12:26:38 刑事司法系统 匿名 2013-05-23...
“The general view of criminal justice reflects a system of three separately organized functions: thepolice, thecourts, andcorrections. Each has a distinct role, yet they are interrelated.” These and similar explanations, while generally accurate and representative of the literature, are prosecution ...
criminal investigation(=when a possible crime is investigated)The FBI is conducting a criminal investigation into the bombing.コロケーション–意味 2: relating to the part of the legal system that is concerned with crimenounsthe criminal justice systemHow effective is our criminal justice system?cr...
Define Crimial justice system. Crimial justice system synonyms, Crimial justice system pronunciation, Crimial justice system translation, English dictionary definition of Crimial justice system. n. Law that deals with crimes and their punishments. crimin