"Chip" Burrus, who has headed the FBI's criminal investigative division in an acting capacity since February, has been named as its permanent chief, responsible for coordinating, managing and directing the bureau's criminal investigative programs nationwide."Chip brings an extensive background in ...
The Criminal Division within the DOJ specifically investigates crimes related to all statutes except anti-trust, civil rights, environment and natural resources, or taxes as those are part of other divisions within the DOJ. Is the FBI under the Department of Justice? Yes, the FBI is under the...
Performs other investigative and enforcement duties such as testifying as a Government witness, assisting the U.S. Attorney during the preparation of cases for trial, conducting collateral inquiries, and providing protection to persons and property. Obtains, evaluates, integrates, and recommends action ...
Criminal Intelligence and Investigative Bureau Criminal Intelligence Bureau Criminal Intelligence Division Criminal Intelligence Section Criminal Intelligence Service Alberta Criminal Intelligence Service Austria Criminal Intelligence Service Canada Criminal Intelligence Service New Brunswick ...
Discovery is the process by which the Defendant and the government demand information and material from the other party, which can include investigative reports, statements by witnesses, financial records, and lab reports. This is a cumbersome process that can involve thousands of pages of documents...
"Protecting the American people is at the forefront of the FBI’s mission," said Luis Quesada, assistant director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation's (FBI) Criminal Investigative Division, in a press release. "Fraudsters and scammers take advantage of telemedicine and use ...
Army Criminal Investigation Command, the Defense Criminal Investigative Service, the FBI and members of the National Procurement Fraud Task Force and the International Contract Corruption Task Force (ICCTF). Former Navy Master Chief Petty Officer Convicted of Stealing Large Amounts of Fuel From U.S....
Students interested in private investigations may be also interested in courses like policing, investigative function, and organized crime in America. Probation Officer The terms probation officer and parole officer are often used interchangeably, however, the two positions are actually different. Probation...
The investigative units of law enforcement agencies all around the world face many of the same challenges. Chief among those challenges is the fact that budgets are tightening, while resources are becoming more and more scarce. Even in the face of reduced funding, investigators are asked to deliv...
The FBI investigates federal cybercrime offenses, and the Computer Crime and Intellectual Property Section (CCIPS) of the Criminal Division of the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) provides legal expertise to federal prosecutors. The Federal Rules of Criminal Procedure govern the proceedings in these...