property damage n. injury to real or personal property through another's negligence, willful destruction, or by some act of nature. In lawsuits for damages caused by negligence or a willful act, property damage is distinguished from personal injury. Property damage may include harm to an automobi...
criminal mischiefn(crime: damage to property)SCSimplified Chinese毁坏财物罪 criminal offense (US), criminal offence (UK)n(crime)SCSimplified Chinese刑事犯罪 TCTraditional Chinese刑事犯罪 Speeding is not a criminal offense. criminal proceedingsnpl(law: legal procedure)SCSimplified Chinese刑事程序 ...
Define Criminal Actions. Criminal Actions synonyms, Criminal Actions pronunciation, Criminal Actions translation, English dictionary definition of Criminal Actions. n. pl. statutes of limitations A legal restriction, as by law or court decision, on the t
The radical feminist position that sex work is, by definition, a form of violence against women has grown into the proposition that all sex work is, by definition, a form of trafficking. This has positioned the movement as an even stronger driver of (neo)abolitionist policies than it has ...
using hasty, unsanitary and dangerous means, resulting in maiming, permanent damage of organs, and death of many women. The Supreme Court ruled in the case of Roe v. Wade (1973) that a woman had the right to choose abortion to end a pregnancy through the first trimester (three months) ...
Definition of Material Damage in Criminal Proceedings in the Investigation of Criminal Offences in the Area of Intellectual PropertyTarasenko OlehMomotenko TamaraChaplynskiy KostyantynBarash YevgenPatyk AndriiAllied Business Academies
Mr Skyner, from Aigburth, said the evidence he had was considered enough to make a criminal complaint by the support group Thalidomide UK. Police in new thalidomide inquiry u For a homicide case, the package includes the crime report describing the officers arriving at the scene and the descrip...
ukus responsibilityfor anyillegalbehaviourthatcausesharmordamageto someone or something: Heacknowledgeddamagingahousewithoutauthorization, but ajuryacquittedhim of anycriminalliability. Families of somevictimsof thecrashhavelaunchedalawsuitagainst therailwayowner,claimingcriminalliability....
CIDCustomer Induced Damage(warranties) CIDCervical Immobilization Device CIDCraft Interface Device CIDConsecutive Identical Digit CIDComputer Interface Device CIDCustomer Information Database CIDCognitive-Based Information Design(graphic design) CIDCentral Input Device ...
Such gradients could be constructed in terms of both classes of events (i.e., injury, theft, or damage) and the severity rating scale. Either way, the scale could provide a meaningful operational definition of the just deserts principle and simultaneously ensure that disparity in sentences was ...