Cybercriminals, like criminals in general, span a continuum that reaches from the kid whose curiosity causes him or her to try to hack into someone's network just to see if it can be done, with no intent to do damage, all the way up to those who use the Internet as a means to cau...
This is not simply a transitional rule born of the epidemic situation, but there seems to be an insistence that this offence should be included in the permanent text of the Criminal Code. Since its entry into force, the new Criminal Code, which has been in force for less than 10 years,...
Section 732 of the Criminal Code provides that the court may order restitution to a person for any loss or damage caused by an indictable offense.340 This provision is being used in the Canadian Competition Act341 and there is no reason why it would not be used under the CFPOA. L. ...
However, this is no blanket justification to consider all instances of state-sponsored cyber attacks incidents of an armed conflict. Whenever a cyber attack does not lead to injury, death, physical damage or destruction, it must be of a certain gravity. This gravity-threshold would be met in ...
I first reject three potential justifications for making penile penetration a condition of rape: (1) it is physically impossible for a woman to rape a man; (2) it is a more serious offence to forcibly penetrate someone than to force them to penetrate you; (3) rape is a gendered crime....