A Hierarchy of the Goals of International Criminal CourtsInternational Criminal CourtICCgoalspurposespreventionpeace and securityretributionBerkeley Electronic Press Selected WorksFord, StuartSocial Science Electronic Publishing
until the point of charge. This important privacy case confirms the approach of the lower courts, and ought to give comfort to those being investigated by UK law enforcement agencies
Such a view supported imperialist and expansionist ideologies of racial hierarchy since, unsurprisingly, the northern European racial type was (supposedly) endowed with superior intelligence, character and a proclivity for civilisation. Further down the scale came Mediterranean, Semitic and Asian types, ...
There is a definite hierarchy in the hacker community. “Real” hackers—expert programmers and networking wizards who write the code and discover the exploits—have disdain for the script kiddies who merely use software written by others to break into systems or launch attacks, without really unde...
(2015). These studies mostly identify key court decisions shaping the practice and forming the legal requirements for presenting evidence before (primarily) US and (secondarily) UK courts. Strong focus on US courts and courts in the United Kingdom might be driven by the availability of court-...
The law on ‘crime’ was defined in terms not of a hierarchy of offences but of the nature of the accusations that could be brought and the procedural and penal consequences of so doing for both accuser and accused. The Romans therefore did have a vocabulary for what might be termed ‘cri...
Courts of appeal do not see witnesses or offenders since the decision-making process focus on the discursive material gathered by the court of law, therefore, victims' emotional expression is mediated, which can affect magistrates' judgment: Here, at the court of appeal, we see no eyes, no ...
On 27 July 1920 a deputation of representatives of organisations jointly lobbying over the government's proposals for reform of juvenile courts in London met the Lord Chancellor and the Home Secretary. The government's bill (which aimed to concentrate the handling of cases involving young people in...
In criminal matters the hierarchy (lower to highest) is as follows: (a) Police; (b) Prosecution; (c) Court of First Instance; (d) Court of Appeal; (e) Court of Cassation. If the account is frozen then an appeal is heard by the higher court. ...
International Criminal CourtICCgoalspurposespreventionpeace and securityretributionNearly ten years ago, Professor Damaka realized that there is a significant gap in discussions about the goals of international criminal courts: while there isSocial Science Electronic Publishing...