In Spain, sex work is neither prohibited nor regulated; in other words, it is extralegal, though the Spanish penal code does punish pimping/procurement, sexual exploitation, and sex trafficking. In recent years, there has been an ongoing debate about the possible criminalization of sex work, ...
doi:10.29173/mlj1004CRIMINAL codesINFANTICIDE -- Law & legislationCANADA. Canadian Charter of Rights & FreedomsMAIR, SCOTTManitoba Law Journal
In December 1985, the Department of Justice Canada amended the drinking and driving sections of the Criminal Code, which included among other changes, an increase in the severity of penalties for impaired driving. This paper describes the results of an evaluation examining whether or not these chan...
The determination that Respondent was arrested under the charge of driving under the influence, Vehicle Code Section 23152, 23153, or 23140 is based on: Explicit statements in DMV’s documentary evidence. The authority to arrest Respondent was granted to Officer Garcia under Section 40300.5 of the ...
The section does not require that money or anything else of value actually change hands, or pass from the donor to the recipient. An offer, or an agreement to give or offer is sufficient.261 In R. v. Cogger, the Supreme Court of Canada considered "whether [section 121(1)(a)] ...
Bernstein MM. The decision of the Supreme Court of Canada upholding the constitutionality of section 43 of the Criminal Code of Canada: what this decision means to the child welfare sector. Envis Manit J Child Welf 2005;4(suppl 1):66-85....
Bedford, the Supreme Court struck down Canada's prostitution laws on the basis that they violated prostitutes' right to security of the person and were inconsistent with the principles of fundamental justice under section 7 of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms. This paper examines the ...
Enhancing the Enhancements? Section 146 of the Youth Criminal Justice Act and the Supreme Court of Canada: A Comment on R. v. L.T.H.The Youth Criminal Justice Act provides significant enhanced protections for young persons in conflict with the criminal justice system. In one area where young...
The Criminal Procedure Code was also supplemented regarding the establishment of the measure of permanent wearing of the devices, the appealing methods against the measure, the place/route set for the person under judicial review, the obligation to report to the police body in charge with the moni...
The Criminal Procedure Code was also supplemented regarding the establishment of the measure of permanent wearing of the devices, the appealing methods against the measure, the place/route set for the person under judicial review, the obligation to report to the police body in charge with the ...