I am local to Durham Region, in Ontario, and the form I have is the green standard form, not the blue with the vulnerable sectors check included. Any information about processing a new check would be appreciated, as I am running out of time. Thank you in advance for your assistance!
Credentials and Affiliations: Check their credentials, including academic qualifications and memberships of professional organizations such as the Law Society of Ontario or the Criminal Lawyers' Association. Courtroom Experience: Find out how much trial experience they have. Even if you plan on settling,...
A recent study in Ontario looking at the effects of edible cannabis on simulated driving and blood THC levels found that driving impairment was not correlated with blood THC. The new study is expected to be a big help for those facing a marijuana related DUI. Matthew Ruff DUI Attorney The...
1. If you have determined that you are eligible to apply for rehabilitation, put a check mark in the box. 2. If you are not eligible to apply, but would like to discuss options for entering Canada (seeComing to, or Remaining in Canada Without Approval of Rehabilitation), put a check m...
Personality types are related to trustworthy, reliable, and competent communication, especially when dealing with clients. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to investigate whether the Myers–Briggs (MBTI) indicator could be used to detect differen
There is limited available evidence on sex workers (SW) ability to access police protection or means of escaping situations of violence and confinement under an “end demand” criminalization model. Of 200 SW in five cities in Canada, 62 (31.0%) reported