Azealia Bankshas scored a victory. The 24-year-old musician won't be facing criminal charges for an incident that took place last October. Banks was alleged to have assaulted a bouncer at a Los Angeles nightclub, but the L.A. city attorney dismissed the charges Monday bec...
Are you or someone you know facing an Assault-Family Violence charge that resulted... Drug & Marijuana Charges As part of the “war on drugs,” the District Attorney’s Office for Tarrant County and... Theft & Property Charges Were you arrested for theft in Fort Worth, Texas? Theft is...
and review police reports. We can also engage forensic experts and private investigators to help put on the defense. Building robust defense can help you win your case and places us in the best position to negotiate for a case dismissal, probation, amendment to reduced charges, and alternative...
Misdemeanor Charges in Tampa, Florida Felonies are handled in Circuit Court and punishable by potentially more than one-year in prison. Felonies are further classified into degrees based on their severity. Third-Degree Felony Examples includeaggravated assault,felony DUI, and carrying a firearm without...
On January 8 Trump was banned fromTwitterfor having posted tweets before, during, and after the assault that violated the company’s policy against glorification of violence. The ban wasrescindedafterElon Musktook over thesocial mediacompany. ...
He had also been indicted on dozens of other federal and state charges in cases relating to his efforts to overturn his defeat in the presidential election of 2020 and his removal of numerous classified documents from the White House upon leaving office. Following Trump’s election to a second...
Toronto criminal lawyers, Mass Tsang successfully defend against criminal charges in sexual assault, DUI, drug possession, violence, theft & fraud cases.
Assault Charges Criminal Law Domestic Assault Criminal Law DUI Criminal Lawyer Hamilton Have You Been Charged With a Criminal Offence? Having an experienced criminal lawyer on your side is the best defence. Hepburn Law defends deals with a wide range of criminal matters from the initial stage of...
in non-litigation cases such as filing of criminal charges, special criminal investigation, anti-bribery and anti-corruption training, prevention of crimes committed by shareholders and senior executives, criminal protection for intellectual property, criminal contingency plan, but also provide criminal com...
Charges: shoplifting Charge dismissed Practice Area Assault & Battery Domestic Violence Driving Offenses Drugs Firearms Fraud Sex Crimes Theft Violent Crimes Other Learn More When You Call to Schedule Your Free Initial Consultation to Discuss Your Case ...