Pennsylvania State police at This is a name based inquiry that is charged at $22 per search. You can get the criminal records report notarized, if required, for an additional $5. The agency does allow civilians to conduct third party criminal lookup. ...
Mostly found in the state of Pennsylvania, this stands for “Accelerated Rehabilitative Disposition Program.” This program is given to the defendant in place of adjudication. If the defendant completes the program, the case is closed. Arraignment A criminal defendant's first appearance before a ...
A unique case number Type of case Why are Arrest Records so Important? Arrest records are a valuable source of information for law enforcement agencies and the government. They can also provide individuals with key information as well which we will talk about later on. You can form a picture...
2. At common law a defendant cannot have judgment to recover a sum of money of the plaintiff. But this rule is, in some cases, altered by the act of assembly in Pennsylvania, as by the. Act of 1705, for defalcation, by which he may sue out a sci. fac. on the record of a ve...
Arkansas Corrections Report Search: This dataset contains current and historical criminal records on inmates and probationers that are or have been under the supervision of a state correctional facility for felony convictions. This data may include: name, date of birth, county case number, ch...
Name, age, phone number, email, addresses, VIN Check, and license plate lookup. Paid* Arrests, parole violations, warrants, probation records, police records, incarcerations, probation records, felonies, marriage records, divorce records, convictions, misdemeanors, evictions, small claims, bankruptcies...
(Non-Instant) Arizona Courts Record Background Check: Administration of Courts (AOC) dataset contains traffic, misdemeanor, and felony records for 153 courts throughout Arizona. This data may include date of birth, first, middle and last names, case numbers, offense description, date, disposi...
The Minnesota District Courts Data includes criminal records from the 10 Judicial District Courts in Minnesota. This data may include: name, alias names, date of birth, state identification number, physical descriptions, county, county case number, charge or charges, disposition, sentence an...