Attorney Gregory A. Gentile, Esq. Of Counsel A Nationally Recognized Law Firm Many of Our Cases Have Appeared in the Media Recent News Coverage Big Firm Power, Small Firm Attention We are a Cleveland firm making a global impact. Having represented individuals and corporate entities all over the...
ASSAULT A charge of assault can involve anything from threatening physical harm to causing actual injury. If you have been charged with an assault related offense, a skilled criminal defense attorney can help you mount a strong and credible defense. ...
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Trial Attorney: Highly Reviewed White Collar Crimes Representation Investment Fraud Computer and Internet Fraud Insurance Fraud Embezzlement White collar crime is often viewed as less serious than violent crimes, but these offenses can carry heavy penalties including fines and jail time. If you find you...
"John is a very professional attorney, who is not only concerned about the welfare of his client but very attentive and considerate of the family, or other bodies that are in the face of the adversity. While working on my family members case, John took time out to take a class that wou...
Criminal Defense Attorney As a former Assistant Prosecutor in Lake County Ohio, Cleveland criminal defense attorney Matthew C. Bangerter, ESQ. has experience with the strategies used by prosecutors to pursue their cases. As a member of the Ohio Bar Association, Lake County Bar Association, Cleveland...
Need a criminal attorney in Akron? Schedule a free case evaluation with Christopher G. Thomarios, Esq. LLC. to speak with an Ohio criminal defense lawyer now!
Criminal Defense Attorney As a former Assistant Prosecutor in Lake County Ohio, Cleveland criminal defense attorney Matthew C. Bangerter, ESQ. has experience with the strategies used by prosecutors to pursue their cases. As a member of the Ohio Bar Association, Lake County Bar Association, Cleveland...
Accused of a crime? Call me, a Salt Lake City criminal defense lawyer, to provide the aggressive defense you need. Catherine Cleveland Attorney at Law can help!
My case was unique, and difficult. It was from 36 years ago, when I was 22 years of age. I had just moved to Cleveland, Ohio and I unfortunately found myself in the wrong... Posted on I did not know what to look for in a defense attorney, but based on the first two...