克里米亚战争(Crimean War,又名“克里木战争”),因争夺巴尔干半岛的控制权而在欧洲大陆爆发的一场战争,奥斯曼帝国、英国、法国、撒丁王国等先后向沙皇俄国宣战,战争一直持续到1856年才结束,以沙皇俄国的失败而告终,从而引发了国内的革命斗争。 1853年1月,俄国沙皇尼古拉一世派出以缅什科夫为首的高级使团,向奥斯曼帝国...
战争爆发:1853年10月,奥斯曼土耳其帝国首先向俄国宣战,标志着克里米亚战争的正式爆发。 英法参战:1854年3月,英国和法国相继对俄国宣战,战争规模进一步扩大。 关键战役:1854年9月,英法联军在克里米亚半岛登陆并开始围攻塞瓦斯托波尔要塞。经过近一年的激战,英法联军于1855年9月成功占领该要塞。...
克里米亚战争(Crimean War,又名“克里木战争”),在1853年10月20日因争夺巴尔干半岛的控制权而在欧洲爆发的一场战争,土耳其、英国、法国、撒丁王国等先后向俄国宣战,1854年3月28日,英法对俄宣战,克里米亚战争爆发。战争一直持续到1856年,以俄国的失败而告终,从而引发了国内的革命斗争。这场战争中...
Battle of Balaklava, indecisive military engagement on October 25 (October 13, Old Style), 1854, during the Crimean War that is best known as the inspiration of the English poet Alfred, Lord Tennyson’s “Charge of the Light Brigade.” In this battle, th
The Crimean War played multiple roles in a larger drama unfolding in the Pacific world during the 1850s. Anglo-Russian conflict, or the threat thereof, took center stage in Russia's nascent efforts to expand its territorial holdings in East Asia at the expense of Qing China. Likewise, ...
The Crimean War broke out in 1854.───克里米亚战争于一八五四年爆发. The Treaty of Paris was signed, ending the Crimean War.───巴黎条约》签署, 克里米亚战争结束. Crimean war was an important international war in the 19 th century.───克里米亚战争是19世纪的一场重要的国际战争. ...
During the Crimean War in 1854 many soldiers were wounded or became ill.News reached England that they were receiving very little care.At once Florance Nightingale wrote to the War Office and offered her service.She went with a band (一队) of thirty-eight nurses to the hospitals at Scutari...
The Crimean War (1853–56) was fought mainly on the Crimean Peninsula between Russia and Britain, France, and the Ottoman Empire. It arose from the conflict of great powers in the Middle East and was more directly caused by Russian demands to exercise pr
在1854一1855年间,军事冲突还出现在其他几个地方:在波罗的海(Baltic Sea),英国皇家海军计划进攻俄罗斯首都圣彼得堡(StPetersburg);在白海(White Sea),皇家海军于1854年7月炮击了索洛韦茨基(Solovetsky)修道院,而索洛韦茨基当时是俄罗斯在白海的政治中心;战火甚至延伸到西伯利亚的太平洋沿岸地区 摩尔达维亚公国的西半部...