Victim compensation funds are designed to aid people in recovering financially from criminal victimization. Somewhat surprisingly, the victim compensation fund in Texas currently has a large cash surplus and is underutilized. Police officers in Texas are responsible for prov...
(Law) a type of crime, such as insurance fraud, regarded by some people as being excusable because the victim is the state or an organization, rather than an individual Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000...
Options that may address white collar crimes more effectively include forcing corporate violators to distribute shares of stock to the State's crime victim compensation fund, insisting that corporations discipline themselves internally by ... WB Groves,G Newman - 《Bureau of Justice Statistics》 被引...
Many provisions of the Texas law were based on the Uniform Crime Victims Reparations Act, but it differs from this act by restricting who may recover, what may be recovered, and in establishing an escrow fund. The compensation act awards compensation to victims placed in financial stress by ...
some victims became so alienated from the criminal justice process that prosecutors had difficulty persuading them to testify at trial. This environment began to change in the 1970s with the establishment of victim compensation funds. Not until the 1980s, however, did a national movement for "vict...
Problems and Improvement Plan of Crime Victim Relief Fund Calculation Method In 2010, the Crime Victims Aid Act was abolished and the new Crime Victims Protection Act was enacted, bringing about continuous changes to the development... GC Song - 《Korean Association of Victimology》 被引量: 0发...
However, there is still a tendency to remove the question of restitution or compensation more and more from criminal procedure, palpably in the desire to avoid representation of the victim along with the public p r o s e ~ u t i o n . ~T~he victim, so the argument runs, should not...
The other way the fund provides compensation is to give the money directly to the governor of a state for the financial support of eligible crime-victim assistance programs. The governor must certify that priority for money from the fund will be given to eligible crime-victim assistance programs...
This chapter discusses victim empowerment from a victimological perspective on three levels. The first concerns legislative issues. Selected Polish statutes aimed at giving greater protection to victims of crime are analyzed, along with their most recent
victimologist victimology victimology victimology Victims Victims Victims Victims Victims Victims Advisory Committee Victims and Witnesses Unit Victims Assistance Services Victims Compensation Tribunal Victims for Justice Victims Information Bureau of Suffolk Victims Legal Resource Center Victims Liaison Unit Victims...