Fall is a multilingual mystery thriller series that follows an amnesic patient with trust issues who struggles to recollect the past. After an unsuccessful suicide attempt, the lead character finds it tough to trust even the closest of her friends and family. A secret buried deep insi...
Yeh Kaali Kaali Ankhein Season 2: The romantic crime thriller, directed by Sidharth Sengupta, returns for its second season on Netflix.
British Thriller British war film Britni Camacho Britt Ekland Brittany Ashworth Brittany Gonzales Brittney Greer Briza Covarrubias BROADCAST SIGNAL INTRUSION Brock O'Hurn BROIL Bromantics Bron Theron Brooke Burfitt Brooke Burke BROTHER'S BOND' Brtflicks Podcast Brtish Gangster Fi...
Inspector Avinash is a Hindi crime thriller series featuring Bollywood stars, with Randeep Hooda as the lead character, an athletic and intelligent police officer. The cast ofInspector Avinash, the Hindi-language crime thriller, is filled with notable Bollywood stars.Inspector Avinashfollows the titular...
John Lynch
Thriller Action Drama Suspense Horror Si Fi created 13 years ago • 46 titlesList IMDb Staff Picks for December See the list Recently viewed Please enable browser cookies to use this feature. Learn more.Sign in for more access Follow IMDb on social Get the IMDb app For Android and iOS Hel...
Crime Next Door: Con Gagan Pareek, Ankit Sharma, Payal Sharma, Shabbir Patel. A twisted tale full of murder, mysteries and deceit. The truth is not what it seems to be.
However, I don't feel that this production evokes the cold war atmosphere in any true sense. It could be a spy thriller set against any historic background, rather than the 'Mutually Assured Destruction' (acronym MAD!) of that era in Britain. ...
The line-up includes: the Spanish comedy Living Is Easy With Eyes Closed, which will be accompanied in person by its director David Trueba; Tom Collins’ Irish drama The Gift, attended by actors Dara Devaney and Paul Griffin; Montenegrin writer-director Nikola Vukčević’s revenge thriller/...
A Nordic noir novel from Iceland’s prime minister, an exuberant thriller set in 1950s India and more June 22 2023 Summer Books 2023 Best summer books of 2023: Crime Barry Forshaw selects his best mid-year reads May 8 2023 Review