theArizona Republic, published two feature articles on capital punishment, which highlight serious concerns in regard to criminal justice in the USA. These are: ‘AMA asked to endorse execution moratorium’ (2000, June 12, p. A1) and ‘Study: Flaws rife in capital cases’ (2000, June 12,...
The disciplines of criminology and criminal justice, in their individual and collective inquiries into crime, criminality and their interactions with the criminal justice system, have given notable attention to the subject of race. Broadly speaking, their inquiries encapsulate debates over the possible ...
Stats about all US cities - real estate, relocation info, crime, house prices, schools, races, income, photos, sex offenders, maps, education, weather, home value estimator, recent sales, etc.
These events occurred at a time when issues of race were in the news as a result of the arrival of "boat people", followed by a heightened fear of terrorism because of the events of September 11, 2001. The issue of gang rape by ethnic-minority youth resurfaced in August 2002 when a ...
Neil Tickner
Race, crime and criminal justice : international perspectives. New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2010, p. 144-161.CUNHA, M.I.d. Race, Crime and Criminal Justice in Portugal. In Anita Kalunta-Crumpton (ed.) Race, crime and criminal justice : international perspectives. New York: Palgrave ...
News and commentary on interracial crime, race differences, white advocacy, Third World immigration, anti-white racism, and white identity.
Sustaining the Race to the Top Reforms. Race to the Top: Accelerating College and Career Readiness in States. Race to the Top (RTTT) presents states with a unique opportunity to accelerate their efforts to graduate all high school students prepared for college, car... Achieve,Inc - 《Achieve...
Margaret Morgan was born into slavery in Maryland and had been living with her husband and their children in the free state of Pennsylvania for five years when hired slavecatchers led by Edward Prigg seized them one night in 1837 Associated PressFeb. 28, 2025 ...
The Race to Punish in American Schools: Class and Race Predictors of Punitive School-Crime Controldoi:10.1007/s10612-012-9171-2Despite the general agreement that US schools have become increasingly punitive since the 1980s, researchers are uncertain about what types of schools use tough-on-crime ...