If you want to get acrime scene investigator degree, then I applaud you ! It is indeed a very brave and interesting decision, but you have to know that what you see on TV is one thing, and reality is different. Of course crime scene investigators play a vital role in solving crimes, ...
this new, super sensitive DNA technology kind of shakes the very foundation of forensics. It used to be that when you found DNA at a crime scene, and you found enough of it to sequence, that was a really solid lead. But that’s not always going to be the case anymore. ...
In politics, people cheat to win, or because they’re afraid to lose. Which isn’t always the same thing. A second referendum on Scottish Independence looms, an unlikely investigator uncovers meddling in the first, and desperate conspirators panic, with deadly results. Bastard Verdict weaves hig...
The skeptic meets CSI (Crime Scene Investigation): how far should artistic license go?(Critical Essay)THE LEAD INVESTIGATOR BEGAN burning some residue from a human corpse "directly over gunpowder that still covered the body." That left Danny Thomas, former member of the Clarke County Fire ...
Set in Puhtijärvi, a Finnish village nestled between a forest and a lake,The Burning Stonespays homage to the key role of the sauna in the nation’s wellbeing… whilst also cheerfully turning it into a crime scene. When Ilmo Räty is found dead in the ashes of his sauna, the res...
Just west of the Rocky Mountains, a frightened horse with a bloody saddle is found running loose on the Yellowhead highway. Former RCMP investigator Hunter Rayne is on the road in his eighteen-wheeler when he’s flagged down to help calm the horse and find its missing rider. ...
To make the scene more morbid, the corpse is rigged by the narrator to sit up upon removal of the lid and declare “thou art the man” in the face of one drunken Goodfellow, who seals his fate by dying at that moment from sheer horror and shock. Another of Poe’s tales incorporating...
This one is lean and mean and doesn’t take its sweet time in plunging the viewer into the action. The opening sequence, set on a dark rainy night, involves five masked men as they steal a shipment of US Mint gold from a train. This scene, as well as its immediate follow up, in ...
Anna then asked more about Cormac Reilly. He’s not an alcoholic, not tormented, and he arrived on the scene, Anna felt, fully fledged. Dervla has called him, a “man of my generation”. What did this mean, Anna asked. Anna felt that he is one of the reasons for the success of ...
On the Scene At the FBI Behavioral science is a broad term that refers to use of scientific methods to study the behavior of living creatures (including humans). The behavioral sciences is often used as a collective term referring to psychology, sociology, anthropology, and other sciences that ...